Trump will gather in Houston for "Beautiful Ted" Cruz, his rival of the time


And he gave the senator of Texas a pair of nicer names.

"For me, it's no longer Lyin 'Ted." "He's gorgeous Ted. He's in Texas – I call him Texas Ted," says Trump. left the White House Monday to travel to Houston earlier Monday.

"No, Ted Cruz and I had a very, very nasty and difficult campaign, it was a very competitive competition and I thought," Do not worry, it's just that. " a matter of time, "said Trump.

Only 15 days before the mid-term elections – to the dismay of some Republicans in tighter races – Trump reacts in that steadily red state to help Cruz resist a Republican Beto's challenge O 'Rourke, whose energetic campaign has puzzled some Republicans 19659005] Beto O' Rourke says he's still supportive of Trump's indictment "data-src-mini = "//" data-src-xsmall = "// -beto-debate-medium-plus-169.jpg "data-src-small =" "data- src-medium = "// m / badets / 181018200003-beto-debcon-exlarge-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // "data -src-full16x9 = "//" data-src-mini1x1 = "// /badets/181018200003-beto-debate-small-11.jpg "data-demand-load =" not-loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large : 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

Tru The mp rally in Texas is only the last stop of the presidential campaign that preceded the mid-term elections on November 6, shortly after the switchover to western states to the end of last week.

After Texas, Trump will rally his Wisconsin fans. and in North Carolina, then in Illinois.

The rally comes as Trump continues to grapple with one of the most serious diplomatic crises of his presidency, the aftermath of the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, killed by Saudi agents at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul at the beginning of the month.

Saudi Arabia admitted for the first time on Friday that Saudi officials had killed Khashoggi, but claimed that it was an accidental death resulting from an accident. fighting – an explanation that contradicts the Turkish Government's narrative and other highlights.

  Trump makes migrant caravans a political issue. Here are the facts.

Trump turned away from this problem at rallies to focus on his achievements as president and warn his supporters that the gains of democracy in Congress would spell disaster for the country.

Trump also talked about illegal. Immigration at recent rallies, taking over a caravan of several thousand migrants heading from Central America to the US border.

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