Turkey puts an end to the state of emergency of two years, Europe News & Top Stories


ISTANBUL • The state of emergency imposed by Turkey after the failure of the coup in 2016 ended yesterday, but the opposition fears it will be replaced by even more repressive legislative measures.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared the state of emergency On April 20, 2016, five days after the bombing of Ankara, bloody clashes erupted in Istanbul in a putsch sentenced to 249 deaths.

The measure, which normally lasts three months but has been extended seven times, ended yesterday at 1 am local time. (6am, Singapore time), said the official Anadolu news agency, after the government decided not to seek an extension of eighth time.

The state of emergency has resulted in the detention of some 80,000 people and about twice as much The largest purge of modern history of Turkey has targeted not only the alleged supporters of M Fethullah Gulen, the US preacher accused of coup d'etat, but also Kurdi During last month's election campaign, which he won, Mr. Erdogan promised that the state of The urgency would end.

But the opposition was irritated by the government 's introduction of new legislation in Parliament that apparently seeks to formalize some of the hardest aspects of the emergency.

The main opposition party Republican Party (CHP) said the new measures, labeled "anti-terrorist" by the pro-government media, would be a state of emergency. According to the bill, the authorities will retain for another three years the power to dismiss officials found to be linked to terrorist groups, while retaining key power of the state of emergency.

it seems like they are raising the urgency, but in fact they are pursuing it, "said the head of the CHP parliamentary faction, Ozgur Ozel.

Demonstrations and rallies will be banned in open public spaces after sunset, although they may be permitted until midnight if they do not disturb public order.

Local authorities may prohibit individuals to enter or leave a defined area for 15 days for security reasons.And a suspect can be detained without charge for 48 hours or up to four days in case of failure. multiple crimes

Mr. Fotis Filippou, deputy director Europe of Amnesty International, said that many powers of the state of emergency would remain in force. "It (the lifting) must accompany urgent measures if it must be anything other than a cosmetic exercise ", declared Mr. Filippou


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