TV actress Charu Asopa will bond with her boyfriend Rajeev, Sushmita Sen's sister, sharing pretty messages


  Sushmita Sen announces the marriage of his brother with the television actress

Sushmita Sen announces the marriage of his brother with the TV actress & nbsp

The TV actress Charu Asopa, who plays one of the main characters in Mere Angne Mein's soap opera is ready to connect with Sushmita Sen's younger brother, Rajeev Sen. Charu and Rajeev have been dating for a while now.

Sushmita, Saturday night, took advantage of his Instagram account to tell him the big news fans and followers. The former Miss Universe, at her post, said she could not wait for the wedding and would dance on both sides. While she called Rajeev the "luckiest guy in the world," she called her sister-in-law to become an "angel."

Her message said, "She said yes. You are the luckiest guy in the world. world Raja bhaiya @ rajeevsen9 Thank you for bringing this #Angel in our lives Congratulations my loves Charu @asopacharu & Rajeev @ rajeevsen9 I can not wait for the wedding, I will dance for both sides !!! #sharing #happiestnewsever #babybrother #engaged #happiness #newjourney #blessings I love you both, beyond #duggadugga. "THANK YOU for all your blessings, keep them coming !!!"

Previously, Charu had been confronted with a bitter rift with fiancé Neeraj Malviya, which had had a negative impact on the health of The actress and she had been taking anti-anxiety pills for a very long time earlier this year, however, she found love in Rajeev, and both partners formalized their relationship on Instagram and have been sharing their love photos ever since. In the middle of all this, it was reported that Sushmita was not happy with the relationship between the duo.His last message, however, canceled all these reports.

In a previous interview with Bombay Times, Charu had talked about her relationship with Rajeev and her marriage plan and said, "Of course, we are talking about marriage, but we are always exploring the relationship and learning new things every day. e me for the way I emerged from this breakup. And now, my life has taken a new turn. I had stopped thinking about love, but Rajeev came into my life like a breath of fresh air. "

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