U Mumba beats Bengaluru bulls and Tamil Thalaivas hold Haryana Steelers tied


U U Mumba continued its momentum this season beating the Bengaluru Bulls 32-29 in an international clash of the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) at NSCI Stadium on Wednesday. The home team dominated the visitors in the first half, outperforming the Bengaluru Bulls in all areas of the match. However, the visitors fought well at the end of the match, which was too late. The other match of the night between Tamil Thalaivas and Haryana Steelers ended in a tie. Sukesh Hegde scored seven raid points for Tamil Thalaivas, while Manjeet Chhillar had four tackle points for Tamil Thalaivas. For the Haryana Steelers, Vikas Kandola scored 14 raid points and Kuldeep Singh got three tackles

In the match between U Mumba and Bengaluru Bulls, Darshan Kadian, Surrender Singh and Abofazl Maghsod won nine, five and five points for the guests. while Pawan Sehrawat, Rahul Chaudhary and Kashiling Adake of Bengaluru totaled eight, six and four respectively.

Darshan and Abofazl scored one point each in their first raid attempt, U Mumba starting with a 2-0 lead before. The Pawan and Kashling of Bengaluru have been eliminated to four points.

Darshan continued successful raiding attempts and scored a point, which also left the visitors with only two men on the mat. It seems that nothing bothered the visitor while his striker Mahesh Maruti was also tackled by the host, further deteriorating the situation of Bengaluru.

Darshan again successfully attacked while U Mumba inflicted an All-Out to take a huge 9-0 lead. A dominant team further extended their lead by 12 points as their opponents were still looking to open their account in the eleventh minute.

The host continued with his fantastic show at the end of the first half, while the score was 17-6 in favor of U Mumba at halftime.

Just at the beginning. In the moments of the second half, the host inflicted on All-Out to take a mbadive lead of 24 to 7.

The visitors then quickly racked up a few points to reach 11 points, while U Mumba could only manage one. always in favor of the host, 25-11, in the 29th minute.

However, the visitors stood out brilliantly as their successful raid and tackling attempts amounted to 20 points, while U Mumba could only score one point in the 35th minute. minute as the score read 26-2 0.

The Kashling Super Raid brought Bengaluru back to 24 points, bringing the deficit down to five points three minutes from the end. Pawan then made a successful raid to allow the visitors to score from 29 to 25.

The home team then collected three points in consecutive attempts to move up to 32 points, seven more than their opponents. opponents. 19659003] Bengaluru collected four points in the final moments of the contest. However, that was not enough to prevent U Mumba from winning its ninth win in 12 games this season.

( With IANS entries )

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