UH astronomers help find 12 new moons in orbit around Jupiter – Hawaii News Now


  Astronomers from the University of Hawaii helped to discover 12 new moons in orbit around Jupiter. (Photo: Carnegie Institute for Science)
Astronomers from the University of Hawaii helped to discover 12 new moons in orbit around Jupiter. (Photo: Carnegie Institute for Science)

MAUNA KEA, HAWAII (HawaiiNewsNow) –

Astronomers from the University of Hawaii helped to discover 12 new moons in orbit around the planet Jupiter.

Dave Tholen and Dora Fohring, astronomers from the Institute of School Astronomy, were scanning the sky for anything else.

Astronomers searched for planet X, a mbadive unknown planet on the periphery of the solar system, according to the school.

"Coincidentally, Jupiter and his newly discovered moons were in the same area." Tholen and Fohring followed the movements of the possible moons, following their orbits. It is something that the school says to be a challenge.

This gif shows two images of the Subaru Telescope of the new moon of Jupiter S / 2017 J2. The moon moves near the center of the two images. (Photo: University of Hawaii? Institute of Astronomy, Carnegie Institute for Science)

"When these moons were visible, Jupiter was very close to our own bright moon, so you had to be very careful "The images are so weak that they are not all visible in one photo, but only when multiple images are combined."

moons, scientists used the UH 88 telescope inches and the Subaru telescope, located on the Maunakea volcano on The Big Island.

UH astronomers are part of a team led by the Carnegie Institution for Science.The institution says that the results bring the number total number of moons known to Jupiter at 79, which is the largest part of the planet in our solar system

(Video: Carnegie Science)

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