UK chief negotiator on Brexit said he expects an agreement by 21 November


LONDON – The British Secretary of Brexit told lawmakers that he hoped that the divorce agreement with the European Union would be concluded by 21 November.

Dominic Raab told the EP Exit Committee that he will come out of his testimony. "When an agreement is reached and, at the present time, it is expected that November 21 is appropriate."

The October 24th letter from Raab was released Wednesday by the committee.

Britain must leave the EU on March 29, but London and Brussels have not reached an agreement on the terms of their divorce and a smooth transition to a new relationship. The stalemate has raised fears that the UK will leave the UK without an agreement in place, resulting in chaos in the ports and economic turmoil.

Prime Minister Theresa May said that a divorce agreement was concluded at 95%, but both parties still had a gap. on the question of the border between British Northern Ireland and Ireland, a British member of the EU.

Britain and the European Union agree that there must be no barrier that can disrupt businesses and residents on both sides of the border and undermine the gains hard won peace process. But each party rejected the other's solution.

An EU summit on 17 and 18 October announced as the deadline for a breakthrough ends with negotiations still in the stalemate. But Britain and the EU have said that an agreement is still possible and that behind-the-scenes talks have been going on since then.

Any agreement reached by both parties shall be approved by the British and European Parliaments.

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