UN and World Bank Chiefs Visit Rohingyas at Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh


  Cox's Bazar

This is the first time since the Exodus of the Rohingyas last year that heads of international organizations visit Cox's Bazaar. . In the picture, Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), interacts with Rohingya children. Photo: Reuters


  • Visit to Bangladesh to host more than one million refugees
  • Chiefs also hope to advocate for more aid for Rohingya
  • ] More than 670,000 Rohingya flee Myanmar since August 2017 [19659007] Five dignitaries – including UN Secretary-General António Guterres, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and International Red Cross President Peter Maurer – have visited Cox & # 39; s Bazaar in Bangladesh to badess the situation of the Rohingya

    . The first time since the exodus of Rohingya from Myanmar last year that heads of international organizations visited Cox's Bazaar.

    Heads of organizations were accompanied by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi and a UNSG special envoy to Myanmar. 19659008] Analysts estimate that the visit of the UNGS ten months after the Rohingya's exodus is significant. The visit aimed to recognize Bangladesh to host more than one million refugees from neighboring Myanmar and to plead for more help.

    Guterres and Kim also met with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

    In May, members of the UN Security Council visited

    More than 670,000 Rohingya refugees have fled the state of Rakhine in northern Myanmar since August 2017 after the extremists of the country. Salvation Army Arakan Rohingya have launched attacks against police stations in that state.

    Guterres spoke about Rohinyas's lawsuit against Rakhine. the army of Myanmar and called it an "ethnic cleansing".

    Read also: Can Priyanka Chopra Raise Awareness of Rohingya Children?

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