US President Donald Trump talks about Syria, Ukraine and elections with Russian President Vladimir Putin


Donald Trump said that he will talk about Syria, Ukraine, elections and other global issues in the competition. (File)


US President Donald Trump said that he would talk about Syria, Ukraine, elections and Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin will meet in the Finnish capital to improve bilateral relations and discuss a whole series of national security issues, the White House and President Putin. the Kremlin announced on Thursday.

"We are going to talk about Ukraine, we are going to talk about Syria, we are going to talk about elections, we do not want anyone to falsify the elections.We will talk about peace, we may even be talking about saving millions of dollars in weapons … we are building a force like no one has ever seen before, "he told reporters about his meeting with M Pu

This will be Mr. Trump's first summit with Putin, even though the leaders have met twice in the last year and a half.

The announcement of the meeting followed after Mr. Putin met US national security. Councilor John Bolton, who was in Moscow this week to lay the groundwork for the summit.

"Maybe the world can de-escalate with China, Russia … maybe the world can get a little worse, it would not be a bad thing, but I think I have a relationship with China , Russia … it's a good thing, "said Mr. Trump.

Asked about the lifting of sanctions against Russia, Mr. Trump appeared to be without engagement. see what Russia is doing. We will talk to Russia about many things. We are going to talk to them about Syria, "he said.

Answering a question about NATO, Mr. Trump reiterated that other countries had to spend more.

" NATO is very interesting, we'll see What's going on here. Germany has to spend more money, Spain, France, it's not just what they did in the United States, "he said. said, adding that the United States pay much more than any other campaign, Mr. Trump insisted that he wanted a better relationship with Russia, saying that this would be good for the United States and for the world.

However, he was confronted with the reaction of the Democrats of the opposition and the community to believe that Russia under Mr. Putin was ingested in the presidential election of 2016. Moscow denied the allegations.

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