US radio hosts apologize for calling the first Sikh-American lawyer "turban man"


Two New Jersey radio hosts, who named the first US Sikh turban-man, Gurbir Grewal, apologized for their racist remarks and were sentenced to 10 days of suspension for using "humiliating and inappropriate" . Dennis Malloy and Judi Franco, who host the "Dennis and Judi Show" on the NJ 101.5FM, spoke Thursday of Grewal's decision to suspend marjiuana lawsuits in New Jersey when they repeatedly called on him the "turban man".

In remarks labeled "xenophobic and racist", Malloy had said that he would never know Grewal's name and that he would rather call it "dude with a turban." "

. Radio hosts have drawn widespread criticism for their remarks against the state's top law enforcement official.

Malloy issued an apology for Franco and his name in a visual message.

"On behalf of Judy and myself, I wish to convey our sincere apologies to the Attorney General of New Jersey for the comments that came out of our broadcast.

" He certainly deserves much more respect than this and most importantly for the Sikh and South Asian community of New Jersey with whom we have had a very strong and very close relationship over the past 20 years, "said Malloy.

The radio station announced that she had Suspended the pair for 10 days, and they will only air on August 6. 19659002] New Jersey 101.5 / WKXW-FM President Ron deCastro said in a statement that the station was taking the comments "seriously" and was echoing sincere apology from Gilda and her family, as well as Sikh and Asian communities Dennis and Judi are known for their simple humor, but in this case the language used was clearly degrading and inappropriate. rsey is a state rich in diversity, and our radio station has been the voice of the people for almost 30 years, "said DeCastro.

The station will use the incident as a "learning moment" to deepen the dialogue. inclusive for all residents of the state.

Malloy said in a statement on the station's website that their show had been improvised and free and they use humor and sarcasm to make a point and add color to the show . In this case, we were out of the mark. It was a mistake that we deeply regret both. We respect all cultures and beliefs and are deeply sorry for the pain caused to the Sikh community, our beloved colleagues and listeners, "said Malloy

He said that they cherished the relationship that They were entertaining with Sikh communities and south.

"We feel very bad about any injuries we may have caused or undue attention that they certainly did not want or ask for," Malloy said.

not the "first indignity"

hours after the 44-year-old Grewal posted on Twitter that he had already faced such "indignity" and called on people to end it. intolerance will not be the last.Sometimes I bear it alone.Yesterday all of New Jersey heard it.Grewal, who was formerly the Bergen County Attorney, became the country's first Sikh Attorney General after the state Senate approved its nominatio n this year.

Indian immigrant parents in Jersey City and was raised in the Hudson and Bergen counties of the state.

In a strong response, Grewal tweeted later, "My name, for the record, is Gurbir Grewal, I am the 61st Attorney General of New Jersey, I am an American Sikh, I have 3 daughters, and yesterday. , I told them to turn off the radio. "

Several senior officials and advocacy groups rallied behind Grewal, bringing their support and expressing outrage against the hosts of the show for their remarks [19659002] Grewal thanked New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla, New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney and New Jersey US Senator Cory Booker for their support

"You Have My Back – and the back of all New Jersey. Others have faced much worse. We rise above that. Now, back to business, "says Grewal

Murphy, who had named Grewal, had strongly condemned the language of the radio hosts, demanding that the station act.

Twitter users also criticized the racist claims that there is no room for such language.

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