US to deploy 5,200 more troops at Mexican border, officials say


Dan Lamothe

Reporter for the Pentagon and the American Army

Nick Miroff

Rapporteur on Immigration, Drug Trafficking and National Security Measures

US officials on Monday announced that an estimated 5,200 more US troops would be deployed to the Mexican border by the end of the week, while President Trump had compared a migrant caravan to the US. Central America en route to the north to an "invasion".

An operation known as Fidele Patriot is already underway, said Air Force General Terrence O. Shaughnessy, head of the US Northern Command. He added that the military, working alongside the US Customs and Border Protection, would first tie in with the strengthening of the border in Texas, then in Arizona and in the United States. California.

Deployments will include three battalions of combat engineers, members of the US Army Corps of Engineers and Specialized Troops in aviation, medical treatment and logistics, O. Shaughnessy said. He highlighted the deployment of helicopters, which will have night vision capabilities and sensors that will help CBP determine where they need to be.

"We will be able to identify and identify groups and quickly deploy CBP staff where they are.

O. Shaughnessy stated that the Pentagon would also deploy military police units and cargo planes, including three C-130s and one C-17s. Combined command posts will be put in place to integrate the efforts of the US Army and CBP.

"While we are sitting here today, we have about 800 soldiers currently heading to Texas," said the general. "They come from Fort Campbell. They come from Fort Knox. They are getting closer to the border. They will continue their training and are ready to be deployed at the border.

The Pentagon has already sent 22 kilometers of concertina son to the border and has enough extra wires to cover 150

Earlier on Monday, Trump had tweeted accusations about the caravan without citing any evidence.

"Many gang members and very bad people mixed up with the Caravan heading for our southern border," Trump said. "Please, go back, you will not be admitted to the United States unless you go through the legal process. It's an invasion of our country and our military are waiting for you!

The White House sought to make immigration the main focus of the November 6 mid-term elections, confident that Trump's enforced message will continue to be heard. its conservative base at the polls and even attracts a cross appeal among the more moderate voters. White House President Sarah Sanders said the administration was considering several administrative measures on the southern border, even though she refused to participate in the migrant caravan. describe the options publicly. Trump will do what he "deems necessary" in immigration matters, Sanders said.

[Trump considering plan to ban entry of migrants at southern border, deny asylum]

Navy Captain Bill Speaks, a Pentagon spokesman, said Monday that it was premature to discuss the deployment because planning was still ongoing.

But photographs and videos posted on the Pentagon's photo-sharing website showed that new deployments at the border were already underway on a mission called Operation Faithful Patriot. A video depicts Airmen from 3 Air Force Air Force Squadron arriving in Fort Knox, Kentucky, to transport members of the 89th Army Military Police Brigade to the border.

US. Officials said the proposed border deployment would not include "triggers" to arrest migrants or other execution tasks. Troops would instead provide "logistical support" to the US Border Patrol and other internal security agencies, and include construction brigades, airlift crews and medical personnel.

The largest deployment was reported for the first time by the Wall Street Journal [19659019] Immigrant rights groups accuse Trump of demagoguery by increasing the size and threat to security posed by migrants, made up largely of families, including children.

The White House has put considerable pressure on the Mexican government to block the advance of the caravan. The group decreased by a peak of nearly 7,000 migrants, some travelers having foot pain and parents with children having dropped out or falling behind. According to the authorities, at least 1,000 members of the caravan have applied for asylum in Mexico.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto offered Friday a temporary work permit, health care and other benefits to migrants who agree to register with the authorities and remain in Mexican states. from Chiapas and Oaxaca, far from the US border. But the grbadroots group of mainly Honduran migrants, estimated at between 3,000 and 4,000 by the authorities, rejected his request and continued northward towards the US border.

The caravan remains at least 900 miles from the territory of the United States. His arrival is not imminent. .

In an attempt to limit the size of the caravan, the Mexican police clashed Sunday at a separate and smaller group of Central Americans who were trying to come in from Guatemala and catch up with the main group. At least one man was killed by rubber bullets and tear gas fired by police.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced Sunday that he was finalizing the rules governing the operations of US troops deployed at the border. Mattis said he would ensure that all the necessary material reaches the border, noting that the military will provide building elements such as Jersey gates. He said that his staff had gathered in recent days to determine the number of staff but that deployment would be "phased".

"At the border, we are preparing what we call the defense of civilian authorities," said Mattis

David Nakamura, Kim Seung Min, Alex Horton and Paul Sonne contributed to this report .

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