VERIFICATION OF THE FACTS: An Announcement in Trump-tweet Blames Unfairly Democrats


Elliot Spagat | AP

SAN DIEGO – President Donald Trump tweeted an announcement accusing Democrats of allowing a Mexican resident illegally in the United States to kill two police officers in northern California in 2014 with methamphetamine-powered attacks. Luis Bracamontes was sentenced to death.

The advertisement shows a video of Bracamontes telling the court that he wished he had killed more police officers, one of his many incidents before the judge.

Advertisement links Bracamontes crimes to a large caravan of Central American migrants moving to Mexico and suggesting that Democrats allow other criminals in the United States

Overview of Affirmations contained in the announcement:


IN FACT: It amounts to blaming the Republicans for criminals who entered the country illegally under President Trump or President George W. Bush.

Bracamontes, originally from the state of Sinaloa in Mexico, came to the United States illegally in June 1996, under the administration of Democrat Bill Clinton. . Three months later, he was arrested for drug trafficking after buying cocaine from an undercover police officer in a Phoenix apartment and was deported after serving his sentence in 1997.

He was arrested for possession Marijuana in Arizona in March 2001, under the Bush administration. It is unclear when he returned illegally to the United States prior to this arrest.

AD: "THE DEMOCRATIC Let him stay." Michael Davis Jr., according to the sheriff of Sacramento County, Scott Jones.

There is no evidence that a Democrat – or whoever – has allowed Bracamontes to stay.

Democratic and Republican administrations have deported hundreds of thousands of people. people a year. During his second term, Barack Obama focused on recent arrivals and people with criminal backgrounds, but Trump quickly ordered that everyone in the country could be targeted illegally.


Bracamontes mix mix images with what appears to be a great caravan and an interview with Fox News with a migrant in the caravan who recognizes a conviction for attempted murder.

Trump stated that migrants in the caravan include criminals without any evidence, link between illegal immigrants in the country and crime

Some studies have shown that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than those born in the USA.

Ruben Rumbaut, University of California, professor of sociology at Irvine, author of a recent study that noted that crime rates fell sharply from 1990 to 2015 at a time when illegal immigration has increases. Crime rates were low in immigrant-rich cities and among the lowest along the border, such as El Paso, Texas and San Diego.

Alex Nowrasteh of the Libertarian Cato Institute, reviewed the academic literature in 2015 and found: "With few exceptions, immigrants are less subject to crime than natives or have no effect on crime rates … (The) research is relatively one way. "


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