Voters undecided to decide 2018 election Pak?


A few days before the general election in Pakistan, the country's largest polls conclude that the undecided will be decisive in the tight race between Pakistan's Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)

A study conducted by Herald magazine indicates that the ITP has a four-point lead on the PML-N at the national level, which exceeds the error margin of the + 1.3 investigation point, with the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) late by five extra points.

However, the fact that the indicators indicate a seven-point lead for the PML-N on PTI in the primary battlefield of the election, Punjab, added with undecided respondents by almost 13 percent, there is little clarity as to

The Herald Inquiry, quoted in a Dawn report, shows that while the leash of the PML-N in Punjab is outside the margin of error of + 1.9 points for the region, it is reduced to five points in the regions located outside Central Punjab, which represents more than 55% of the seats in the National Assembly of the province and is located well within the +2.6 margin of error. In addition to 14% undecided in Punjab, the electoral battle is too close to the horizon.

In addition, trends in another Dawn-based online survey, which evaluated responses from over 18,000 readers, indicate that a percentage of the population is in favor of ITP and nearly 60% of Voters in 2013 showed their support for voting for the ITP.

Outside Punjab, the PML-N is facing significant challenges as party support decreases significantly. The 10%, 11% and 4% support received by respondents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Baluchistan and Sindh contrasts sharply with the 40% support in Punjab. In addition, the effect that the indictment of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz will have on support for the party remains unclear.

Meanwhile, the ITP is getting 42% support for views on its closest challengers in the region, the PPP, Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) and the PML-N.

In Sindh, nearly 54 percent of respondents support the PPP, giving it a 40-point lead over the ITP and the Great Democratic Alliance (GDA). It also makes him an important player in the elections, because in case of undecided results in Punjab, the PPP could emerge as the decision maker. However, the urban area of ​​Sindh remains undivided, no political party benefiting from a clear advantage.

The situation is also the same in Baluchistan, where the PPP, the PTI and the PML-N recorded between 11 and 15% support, while 8% support the MMA.

Thus, the key in the decision of the election will lie in the fact of swinging the favor of undecided in the country, it is imperative for the main players, the PTI and PML-N, to ensure a healthy participation of their supporters in polling stations.

The Herald investigation, which was conducted from June 25 to July 12 in 55 districts of Pakistan, has 6,004 Punjab respondents, 1,117 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), 1,055 Sindh and 984 Balochistan respondents

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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