Was a difficult decision to make himself available for testing, says Adil Rashid


  Was a difficult decision to make himself available for testing, says Adil Rashid "title =" Was a difficult decision to make himself available for testing, says Adil Rashid "/>
<p>  The Englishman Adil Rashid celebrates after taking a ticket at the third International Cricket One Day match between England and India. (Danny Lawson / AP via AP) </p>
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								<strong>  London: </strong> Having decided to definitively leave the cricket of the red ball, Adil Rashid stated that it was a "difficult decision" to make himself available for the 39, England in that we can call a "surprise reminder" of the team of 13 players for the series of five tries against India from 1 August. The 30-year-old who played a test match in December 2016 against India (in Chennai), was dramatically recalled after his recent exploits in ODIs where he got 20 wickets against Australia and the United States. India at an average of 23.95. </p>
<p>  "It was really a difficult decision and obviously I was rather surprised because to get back to the test" After the ODI there was a discussion that me and Ed (coach Ed Smith) had, just about – you know – how you feel playing or being part of the team this summer against India. </p>
<p>  "S Obviously, I had to think about it, since I had not played the red ball game for a while, but this opportunity that I could not buy – I had to think about it and take a decision.I said "I will make myself available" and if you want to select me in the team, then I will do my best. "</p>
<p>  Rashid, who signed a White ball contract with Yorkshire in February, "My role, I hope, in the team will be as was the case for ODI and T20 – as Morgan (Eoin Morgan) m uses It will be exactly the same but with a red ball, "he said. </p>
<p> "It will be to enter and try to take wickets, create opportunities – it will be your job because if you play two spinners, the other spinner may be able to try to keep the two or three and my job will be to create chances and I hope to get wickets. "</p>
<p>  Rashid said that he would take a call on his future in Yorkshire after talking with stakeholders. ] "To get back to Yorkshire, we have to sit down and discuss the future, but for the moment, Yorkshire obviously has the news and from there, Yorkshire, England and me- even are facing the current situation, "said Rashid, whose contract with Yorkshire is up at the end of the season. I know that if I want to be available for the cricket test, I need to play red cricket. When that time comes, I'm sure we sit down to make a decision. If the opportunity arises, I will do my best to play four-day cricket as well. </p>
<p>  "I have been here since 1945. Since I was 10 years old, I am at home, how things can change but I hope we have to sit down with Martyn Moxon and myself and my father, and discuss the future because people's mindsets and feelings are always changing as we go, so let's see it happen. " </p>
<p>  The first test of the five-game series begins on August 1 in Birmingham </p>
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<p><b>  First published: </b> July 26, 2018, 20:52 PM IST </p>
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