WATCH | Speech of the actor Amol Palekar interrupted during a demonstration in Mumbai for criticizing the government


Palekar was speaking at the opening of an exhibition "Inside The Empty Box" in memory of the artist Prabhakar Barwe.

  Amol Palekar "title =" Amol Palekar "src =" https: // akm-img-a focus on the quality of life ceremony of an art exhibition </li>
<li>  He allegedly criticized a decision made by the Ministry of Culture </li>
<li>  The curator Jesal Thacker then asked Amol Palekar to talk about the art exhibition </li>
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The actor Amol Palekar was interrupted several times while he was trying to express his dissatisfaction with a decision Palekar spoke at the opening ceremony of an exhibition "Inside The Empty Box" in memory of the Artist Prabhakar Barwe, which took place Friday at the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), run by the government.

"In 2017, we were pleased to hear about the project to open new NGMA agencies in Kolkata and the Northeast." The news of the expansion of this Mumbai site was also encouraging. However, on November 13, 2018, another disastrous decision was apparently made: "Palekar can be heard in the program video.

At this point, he is interrupted by conservative Jesal Thacker who tells him to talk about Prabhakar Barwe Palekar then asked him if she asked him not to speak.

"What would Barwe have done in this atmosphere?" I'm sure he would have shown us the visible hidden through the visible present. Sorry Jesal, "said Palekar

It appears that the Ministry of Culture has been criticized by the Ministry of Culture for suppressing the advisory committees of the gallery centers in Mumbai and Bengaluru.

C & Is so shocking, the veteran actor Amol Palekar is disturbed and forbidden to speak. The veteran actor Palekar replied: try to prevent me from speaking and applying the censorship on my speech?

MumbaiCongress (@INCMumbai) 9 February 2019

Reference About these reports, Palekar said: "Many of you may not be aware that this retrospective will be the last exhibition decided by the local artists' advisory committee and not by a bureaucrat or government official with a program of maintaining order or proliferation. of a certain art corresponding to an ideological inclination "

He then reminded the public of the recent incident that occurred with the author Nayantara Sehgal.

In another video of the same event, a lady spoke Palekar is criticized for his critical remarks.

"… he raised all our concerns, but in spite of that, you must understand that it is a national gallery, sir. government, "she said.

(With PTI Entries)

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