We come back to life when we learn, we reconnect to hope: Robin Sharma


New Delhi: Waking up at 5 am is not for everyone. Yet Robin Sharma, 54, speaker on leadership and personal mastery, and author of Club: 5 am in the morning: take your morning, raise your life, says it's a habit that can change the game to realize your potential and feeling inspired and focused.

Sharma, better known as the author of the two decades old business fable, The monk who sold his Ferrari swears by the 20/20/20 formula that

a lawyer practicing in Canada who stopped practicing at age 33, Sharma claims to have used a narrative style similar to that of Ferrari in his latest book, which It took him four years to write, a book at the both disturbing and tactical, which presents an interesting and eccentric story that teaches people some very real values. Excerpts from an interview:

In the book, you say "excuses". are deceivers and fears are haunts and doubts are thieves. "How do people with so-called high A possible prey of fears, excuses and doubts?

The majority of human beings are very If you look at all the influences of our parents, our peers and society and all the messages we receive from technology, we are conditioned to "be like that, think like that, integrate as that, using that handbag, driving that car. "And that's the way it starts over and over again, and in our life we're brainwashed and hypnotized, so it's not surprising that we forget who we are. We need to be awake and brave enough to do the inner work necessary to get to know each other: "Here's the life I want, here are the values ​​I want." Few people do that. do you know who gets up in the morning and works on themselves, on their minds, their hearts, their health and their soul so that they can exploit their potential? You will be surprised to hear how many people say that I would like to get up early but … When I hear that language, I know it's usually their ego and I do not mean "arrogant self". It's their fear that we're afraid of change. In the book, a sentence says, "If we believe our excuses enough times, we believe they are true." The reality is that if you want to get up early, that's what you will do.

"Many of us die at age 30 and are buried at age 80," one of the characters said in the book. It's a dark perspective …

You can change it and live well by being part of The 5am Club. I am a great evangelist of the concept because I know how it works. So, how do you get out (the dark state)? First of all, you understand the 20/20/20 formula. When we are young children, we are sparkling, amazed and curious. As we go through life, with what is happening, we are disappointed and fall. We get the message to be average, reasonable, and we do not dream too big. We begin to contract and close. We play security but we are not alive yet. So, why is the 5h club powerful? When you wake up in the morning and exercise, do dopamine and everything else, you feel alive. Now it is 5:20 in the morning, you arrive at the second part, which is the reflection. You can meditate, visualize who you want to be, record your future in the newspaper. In the last 20 minutes, you are aiming for growth. Human beings come to life when we learn, develop our skills and renew with hope. If you do this regularly, you will improve the quality of life.

Next, these habits should be inculcated in childhood.

You read my thoughts. Imagine a world where children get up at five and spend an hour working on themselves before starting the day. The world will be much better. Mother Teresa said so well when she said that if we all sweep our own door, the world would be clean. Mahatma Gandhi said that we should work on ourselves because that is where the real demons are. Work first on yourself because it influences our identity in the world.

You say that it takes at least 66 days to get used to a habit. Is there anything else that can be done to create a habit, because the fear of failure is a great fear to adopt a habit

We all want to live from beautiful lives, but we are often unwilling to do what we want. necessary to do it. It's like an athlete who says I want to be world champion, but I do not want to coach and go to the gym.

Everyone can get up early and make it a habit, but stay at least for 66 days. days. Each habit goes through three phases: destruction, implementation and integration. The brain finds the changes more difficult in the beginning, disordered in the middle and the consciousness in the end. The first 22 days are supposed to be tough, the next 22 days are messy because you re-connect neural circuits and emotional pathways. It's like renovating the house, it will be messy. In the last 22 days, this is becoming easier and you can stay with the process.

The dichotomy of technology: how it disrupts our life and makes it better. You talk a lot about it in the book. In itself, it's a huge concept. Did you have to marry this at the idea of ​​the 5 o'clock club?

Am I marrying them or am I getting divorced? I think I'm getting divorced. You are right in recognizing that I think technology is a wonderful servant, a terrible god. It is said in the book that addiction and distraction are the foundation of your creative output. I use a term called cyber zombies. Many people spend the best hours of their best days playing with their phone. It's a divorce in that if you're free of any technology, you can grow yourself from 5 am to 6 am, the hour of victory.

Why do you say that people make more mistakes at work than before? Is technology the only one to blame for this?

According to some research, the world in which we live now, where you can get instant gratification, creates a very superficial brain. Before, we could sit for three or four hours to read a book or have a long conversation. Now people can not even sit down for 60 seconds. I would say technology (is responsible) because now you know you have all these things very fast, so it's a very busy and distracted world. Every time you check a text message over the phone, you use a portion of your cognitive bandwidth and give it to that distraction, which means your brain is less focused on the work you do. Plus, every time the phone rings, you pay all your attention, which means you're distracted all day. If you do not focus fully on your work, you make more mistakes.

You indicate that high-impact artists should be hard to reach and reduce. their objective. But it's against our time when we should expand our field of vision and do more.

I say that one must be purist. Do not go too far, be deep. Be a specialist as opposed to a generalist. We live in a world that says do a thousand things well, but I suggest creating a ceiling for the Sistine Chapel. Rather than having 5,000 friends on social media, have three friends that you really get to know. Rather than having 10 priorities each day, set a lower priority level and be excellent in these priorities. The key to genius is simplicity, not complexity.

However, if everyone does what he wants all the time, what about other ordinary tasks? Who will do them?

It depends. If you are an entrepreneur, you can do what you want and delegate the rest. If you are an employee, you may have to do some things that you do not want, but that does not mean you can not accept the concept, start purifying yourself, strip the things of everyday life to have more things. 39; energy.

I get up at 5:30 am, but as a parent, my 20/20/20 formula is to take my child out of bed and get him ready for school. How can I join the club at 5am?

The idea of ​​getting up early is a powerful idea. Some people work in teams and it may not be so easy to get up at 5am to use the 20/20/20 formula. However, you can take the concept and customize it for our own situation.

Maybe in your case, you go to bed a little earlier and get up earlier. The way you start your day sets the tone for your entire day. If you take an hour to prepare your state of mind, your heart, your health and your soul, you will get days, weeks, months and years of better and better.

So it is not necessarily necessary to get out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning but following roughly the formula 20/20/20 …

No, c & # 39; is centered on the alarm clock at 5 o'clock in the morning. It's just that you mentioned your particular situation, therefore. However, if you look at a lot of great creators, or geniuses around the world, they all have one thing in common: many of them got up at 5am.

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