"We will always be indebted to Balasaheb Thackeray for his support of Sanjay," said former MP Priya Dutt


  Priya Dutt balasaheb thackeray sanjay dutt

Priya Dutt, Congress Leader and Former MP for Mumbai & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspTwitter

Mumbai: Congresswoman Priya Dutt, a former member of parliament (deputy) of Mumbai, said Thursday that her family would be "always grateful and grateful" to the late Shiv Sena, a sovereign Supreme Balasaheb Thacker. to support his brother, the actor Sanjay Dutt, during his difficult times. Addressing exclusively to timesnownews.com the President of Congress greeted Mr. Thackeray as a man of his words, who shared a relationship of mutual respect with his late father, Sunil Dutt, despite their differences ideological.

Dutt stated that the bond between the Dutt family and Thackeray was solidified when the Shiv Sena patriarch had shown his support for Sanjay after he had been charged with the harsh law relating to prevention Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (TADA) in connection with the 1993 declaration. Mumbai serial explosions case. "I remember that at that time, everyone was making statements against our family and my brother, saying that it was a terrorist. And among all those voices, I think there was one voice that said that "this boy can not be a terrorist because his family has always worked for the people of the country." And that was Balasaheb's voice, "she said.

Dutt, a two-time member of Lok Sabha who recently announced his decision not to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, said that his family had never expected Thackeray's support at such a difficult time of their lives and appreciated his decision to maintain political differences. aside to speak in favor of his brother. In prison, Sanjay Dutt received this message daily from Bal Thackeray – see video

"Balasaheb (supporting Sanjay) had a considerable impact and a difference for Sanjay and for all of us. I think we are always grateful and grateful to him. The bond between my father and him became so strong that sometimes my father had a habit of going (to Balasaheb's) and sharing a glbad of wine with him, "she told timesnownews .com.

Recalling her memories of Balasaheb, Dutt once said that when Sanjay was in prison and her family was going through a difficult time, she landed at Thackeray's residence out of sheer frustration. "I had gone to prison to meet my brother and I was very upset. I saw my dad sitting on a bench in a corner. It was a very frustrating time because my brother was not receiving bail and nothing was happening. I was so frustrated that I got in the car and I do not know how I ended up alone at Balasaheb. I had never been there before. "

She says that the leader of Shiv Sena immediately called her inside and met her. "For me, being able to reach it meant a lot." Dutt said she still had "great respect" for Thackeray's son, Shiv Sena's leader, Uddhav Thackeray, and his family.

A biopic on the founder of Shiv Sena, Balasaheb Thackeray, entitled Thackeray published Friday (January 25). The film is performed by Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut under the direction of Abhijit Panse.

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