"We will never apologize about the terrain and conditions" – SPORT


India coach Ravi Shastri said Wednesday that the current team does not believe in complaints and will not use harsh conditions as an excuse for its performance in what should to be an exhausting series of five essays.

the direction of the Indian team was not satisfied with the field and the outside field of Esbad County, where was held its only warm-up match which was reduced to three days due to a heat wave

"My philosophy is very simple in) your country, I do not ask questions. (In) my country, you do not ask." I said (attendants) to leave it, and not take anything away, "Shastri said at a press conference Wednesday.

"On this trip, you will never see this Indian team give an excuse for the conditions or the pace, our challenge is to beat them, we are proud to perform wherever we go and we want to be the best the last to complain will be this Indian team.I want to clarify this very clearly, "reiterated Shastri

Dispelling Doubts

He further dispelled all doubts about the complaints about the field or the outside field. "There was a good grbad on this ground. The owners asked if we wanted the grbad removed. I said "absolutely not" (that is) your prerogative. You give (the wicket), we play, so when you come to my country, you can never ask (about the locations). "

He said that the scorching heat was a factor with regard to the" reasons for cricketing. "The team wanted better preparation before the first test that began in Birmingham on August 1.

"The match has been reduced from four days to three due to logistics and weather. We had the opportunity to practice three days in Birmingham, which is the place of the Test match. If we had played four days here, we would have lost a day because of the trip. As simple as that. The prerogative to play a match of two days, three days or four days rests entirely on the team that travels, "said Shastri.

Shastri said that the decision to shorten the match had been taken Tuesday. "This was decided yesterday (during practice). We had a conversation (with the Esbad authorities) and once they explained how they had sold tickets and everything. We were very happy to play even a two day match and use this extra day for practice here. But they said tickets and all that, so we said "we'll play three days" "

" And travel Saturday, to practice Sunday. The reason is to go to the test venue because it would not have been worth anything with an extra day here.

"An extra day will give us more familiarity with the place and conditions under which you play first." Test, said Shastri.

The game has been reduced from four days to three because of the logistics and the prevailing weather. We had the opportunity to practice three days in Birmingham, which is the place of the test match

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