Weekly Horoscope (and Crystal) Horoscope Forecasts for all zodiac signs for the period from October 21 to 28, 2018


Here is your weekly horoscope of runes and your protective crystal for the week of October 21 to 28, 2018.

Your weekly Rune LOVE horoscope with crystal protection is present for all zodiac signs of the astrology of the [ from 21 to 28 October 2018.

The zodiac energy coming from a changing sign of the zodiac sign, from Libra to Scorpio, and the full moon arriving on October 24 in the zodiac sign of Taurus, things are changing in your horoscope.

RELATED VIDEO: The Full Moon in Taurus October 24 and 25 – Pleasures for the Pleasure of the Guilty

Just as the runes and astrological signs of the zodiac can work together, the crystals have an effect beneficial on all signs of the zodiac.

We are all products of this planet in our physical form. Crystals are the mineral offspring of the planet. The minerals are impregnated with energies that can affect our own energy fields.

I can not say that the crystals will cure your ailments or problems, but I have the feeling that they can help you by adding different energy vibrations to the runes casting mix and your interpretation of the horoscope daily.

The luckiest thing is to know how their vibrations connect astrologically to your zodiacal sign, then you can choose by hand the gemstone you need most.

RELATED VIDEO: Explaining the Power of Crystals to Skeptics

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When you start combining crystals with runes and tarot, do not forget to respect the link you share with them. We are connected via the Earth.

We are more than capable of putting our sun sign back on track.

It is helpful to know when your zodiacal sign needs help from outside of yourself during changes in planetary transits. Through the ages, humanity has used gems to heal, balance, and even connect to deeper mysteries.

There is an abundant source of crystals and they all have unique beauty and vibrations.

RELATED VIDEO: How to Extract Crystals Using Astrology

When you search for your first crystal, read some explanations about the meaning of the crystals and their connection to your zodiac sign, using astrology and then feel them in person if you wish.

Many cities now have at least one crystal shop and you can sometimes find them in an astrology shop where you can also buy tarot and runes. If you need to buy a gemstone, invisible, check Amazon or Etsy.

I can personally feel the energy contained in a crystal and hope it will guide me in my readings. I have for example a quartz that I bought more than 20 years ago

For a long time, while I wore it often and that I always felt beautiful, I afterwards lost for a while on the couch. When I finally found her, I was so excited that I immediately put her on

That night, I slept like before. I woke up desperate to remove it, so I understood that it needed to be cleaned as quartz often does.

Another example of the beneficial qualities of crystals is Labradorite, which is my personal favorite stone. It is partly related to the dreams and psychic abilities that your solar sign can have.

As a Lion, I lead an active dream life and often remember mine with a lot of detail. These dreams often taught me a lot about myself and my zodiac experience, but I did not always remember it well.

I sometimes remembered being very active, but what really happened was going to go away. I discovered Labradorite a few years ago and I've bought one at a local store. I started sleeping with her and now, for over a year, I constantly remember my dreams, a record much better than ever.

Take the time to explore the fascinating world of minerals and gems and see what could help your sun sign in its quest for happiness and peace.


CANCER (21 June – 22 July)


Rune: WUNJ / Crystal: Amethyst . 19659012] Cancer, your runic energy for the week is WUNJO, one of the most positive of all runes. WUNJO is supporting you this week and is looking forward to a wonderful week.

You are about to take a break and WUNJO brings you the energy of the joy necessary for everything that comes to you well to go to the next level.

If you are a couple, be sure to share wonderful information or happy events with your partner. Share your joys with others and, in doing so, you develop them and then they can continue to build the chain of happiness you have started.

Amethyst is a stone that soothes and heals the mind. It revitalizes the mind and spirit and can help in creative activities.

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)


Rune: ANSUZ / Crystal: Agate with blue lace

Pisces, ANSUZ appeared as your weekly energetic rune. ANSUZ is an extremely beneficial rune and can bring you an unexpected new start. The fortuitous events are a theme for ANSUZ and it's a blessing.

If you are in a relationship, ANSUZ shows that you have to take care of your well-being. In doing so, you will be better able to help your partner when they need it. Sometimes ANSUZ Energy shows that you may need to contact someone you can trust for sound advice.

Blue Lace Agate is considered the stone of a diplomat. It promotes clarity of speech and expression, allowing the user to communicate with confidence. It is badociated with energy that cleans and corrects residual stress.

SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)


Rune: EOLH / Crystal by Larimar .

Scorpion, EOLH is your runic energy weekly. This brings you the advice to protect what you have built for you and your loved ones in life. Overcoming obstacles and emotional control are the two topics discussed with EOLH.

If you are a couple in love, you may be asked to provide shelter to your partner this week. Your ability to stay calm during times of difficulty will be greatly needed.

You are considered one of the most intuitive signs and you may need to use this information to guide others in these difficult times.

Serpentine is a very versatile stone and is considered a powerful sink for negativity, like an energy shield. It also draws positive energy to replace what has been removed.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)


. : FEHU / Crystal : Carnelian

Gemini, FEHU is your runic energy for the week and offers energy to support success. You may notice a sudden increase in your ability to earn money during this time.

FEHU is a rune of income and security. It should be a special moment to start new projects that will bring you a lot of happiness today and in the future.

If you are currently in a romantic relationship, be sure to generously share all the success you have with your partner. They have probably supported you throughout your journey.

Being generous is a very positive trait that you should practice at this time. Carnelian is a powerful stone of endurance and energy. It provides energy support when productivity is needed and gives energy to success. It is a stone of courage and bravery.

APPEARANCE: How to use love runes, by astrology, by zodiac sign

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

] via GIPHY

Rune: EHWAZ / Crystal: Turquoise

Aquarius, EHWAZ appeared as your weekly energy and shows that you will experience the movement this week. You can go on a trip, get around or the indicated trip could be a more spiritual type.

In either case, a change in your life can offer incredible opportunities for positive growth if you take a closer look. In an intimate relationship, you can stay in touch with your partner during this time, especially if you are changing jobs.

Your loved one will probably need to know that you still need them, regardless of what may be happening in your environment. Maybe you could even go on a trip together.

Determine what you should be grateful for in everything you do and experience, and you will see more blessings than you would have thought possible.

Turquoise has long been used as a talisman to protect riders from falls. Give a lucky energy to the wearer. The use of this stone will also help you avoid the metaphorical falls of life.

Where there is movement, a fall is possible, so Turquoise can help you keep your feet under you when you need it.

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

Rune: TIR / Crystal: Moss Agate

Libra, you have shot as runic energy support this week. TIR carries an extremely powerful energy of success. TIR is authoritative, as is the judicial nature of your Libra sign.

The TIR overcomes challenges and overcomes obstacles. The energy support you are given during this time is to stay strong and defend what is good for the greater good of all.

If you are a romantic couple, take a close look at all the situations that may arise, remember that equity is deserved as a tenant for all. If something is wrong, use your ability to discern the truth and SHOT will support you.

Moss Agate was considered a powerful talisman that gives strength to warriors and soldiers throughout human time.

It also has a connection with the things that grow and is a gardening stone. The use of this stone can help you anchor yourself and gain strength and strength.


BULL (20 April – 20 May)

via 1965 (GIPHY)

Rune: LAGAZ / Crystal: Labradorite [1945912]

Bull this week, LAGAZ is your rune. LAGAZ is a rune of powerful intuition. Listening to the messages of your dreams is a great way to touch the advice of your higher self.

When you trust your instinct, you strengthen your connection with a better understanding. LAGAZ supports you in self-development and spiritual growth this week.

Bull, if you are in a romantic relationship at that time, if there is anything disturbing in your life together, spend some time talking to one to l & # 39; other.

Listen carefully to your partner's feelings and yours, it will help you. to have an overview of the situation, paving the way for a resolution. Labradorite is a stone of safe etheric journeys, a kind of protective stone protecting a user from misfortune

It is considered a powerful stone for stimulating psychic abilities and exploring dreams. Labradorite supports spiritual journeys and the exploration of the inner self.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)


Rune: ISA / Crystal: Amazonite

Virgo, ISA is your rune for this week. With ISA, things can seem completely stuck in your life. If you notice a loss of speed this week, try to stick to it, find what needs to be improved where you are.

If you are currently in love, spend some time this week on improvement. in your partnership what needs work. It may not change all at once, but the work you do will bear fruit in the future.

Be present and focus on your organizational abilities to put everything in place until the movement is restored. The amazonite is a stone with a moderating effect, its energy is in balance.

It is used to help restore peace in the face of aggression and anger. Amazonite is useful for taming turbulent and irrational feelings.

RELATED: Signs of the zodiac with psychic powers, ranked from highest to at least equal

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

via GIPHY [19659009] Rune: NIED / Crystal: Apophyllite

Capricorn, this week your rune is NIED and it shows you may have restrictive energy. The NIED indicates that stress is a factor in the quest for liberation.

When you are restrained from something you really want, it creates a need and a greater force of energy to go forward with your desire.

If your couple is romantic, you and your partner may need to focus on your common goals. If you have a project or dream that you want to see answered, know it at that time.

The overall energy may be to hold you back somewhat so that once released, you make a leap forward to success. Apophyllite is a very special stone and brings a deep healing, at the soul level, to those who may have experienced trauma, especially in their childhood.

It helps to clean residual negative debris. The energy of Apophyllite helps to bring confidence and authenticity to be expressed unhindered, thus relieving stress and anxiety.


ARIES (March 21st – April 19th)

via 1965 (GIPHY)

Rune: OTHEL / Crystal: Black Tourmaline [1945900]]

Aries, OTHEL is your runic energy for the week bringing you the energy to learn from the past. You can use these lessons to build your future.

OTHEL is a rune of inner growth and your experience here. When OTHEL appears, he shows you the lessons of the old methods that bring you progress and abundance.

OTHEL may also indicate security and inheritance, whether it is a sum of real money or the legacy of a ancient wisdom. If you are a loving couple, you and your partner probably have a solid foundation and have used the lessons you have learned to grow together.

Look for these lessons today and enjoy how you have become better and happier with what you understand.

Black tourmaline helps to dispel all negativity and is even supposed to promote a real change in negative thoughts to make them rather positive and productive. His energy is purifying and melting.

LEO (23 July – 22 August)


Rune: HAGALL / Crystal: Green Aventurine

Leo, your energy globalism this week is from HAGALL. This rune shows you that even though, in life, there will always be events that we can not control, you do not have to worry too much. When times are tough, you are strong, Leo, and you always find a way to go through the most difficult moments.

Letting yourself fall into anxiety will only make you less energetically capable of succeeding with your dignity. Remember that you will succeed in achieving your deepest dreams, be sure to treat yourself kindly while you get there.

If you are in an intimate relationship, let your partner give you stability whenever you need it. They will have a lot to offer in terms of care and support if you let them help you when you need it the most.

The energy of HAGALL can show you that when life evolves unexpectedly, we may feel unbalanced for a moment, but we will soon find ourselves in a new positive position offering new job opportunities.

The green aventurine is a lucky stone, perhaps the most fortunate energy stone. Helping to free old patterns and helping to become stronger despite change.

His energy helps to attract positive opportunities. Encourage creativity and perseverance in maneuvering in difficult situations.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)


Rune: EIHWAZ / Crystal: Aquamarine

Sagittarius, EIHWAZ is your weekly rune. You are supported in the pursuit of something new. If you want to change your situation and mix with your environment, then EIHWAZ Energy will offer you success in this area.

You probably have a lot of ideas for what you would like to see happen. . You have energy around you and in you to take the necessary steps to make the necessary changes to achieve your dreams.

If you are in a romantic relationship, remember your enthusiasm for moving things that will help your partner grow and succeed more.

Bring them into adventure so that they have a lot of benefits too. Do this even if it simply means that you share your ideas with them before you embark.

The aquamarine has a flowing energy badimilated to flowing water. He cleans and helps to discover the truth. In ancient times, Seer's used Aquamarine to enhance its ability to perceive future events. His energy will help the user to trust and let go.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Venus Retrograde from September to December 2018 Special Horoscope

Amanda Ilene Sawyer is a writer and native of Mississippi who is interested in science, anthropology and spiritualism. When she does not write about astrology, numerology and tarot, she likes to run her business and design macrame for her Etsy function.

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