Weekly Horoscope, March 31-April 06: Check the forecasts for all signs of the zodiac


The first two days of the week will occupy you at work. With the help of fate, you will be able to make important decisions in the profession, which could expand your work in the near future. You will appreciate your work; in return, you will get rewards for your hard work. Your mother's health will probably be good now. The people around you will support you, which will increase your confidence. The overwork of your mind will tire you. Because of the workload, you will not be able to give time to your family.

In the middle of the week, with your communication skills, your past investments will probably give you an edge. Your sources of income will now be increased, which could increase your bank balance, you are also planning to renovate your home or office. Aboriginal people in employment will benefit from promotions and incentives. You can also consider donating to a charity, social institute, or religious venue. April 4th, you will feel sad; you could face health problems.

The last two days of the week, your moon will be negative. You will feel unhealthy. You will not enjoy the moment. You will not be able to bear the responsibility given. It will make you impatient and nervous, you will criticize yourself. So be careful of your opponents and rivals. You must avoid fantasy in terms of profession. You will have to defer new investments. We advise you to take care of your mother and your elders.


Last week's disappointment will now turn into satisfaction and patience. you will appreciate your work, which will be reflected in your way of working. You will plan a short business trip with the help of your siblings, which will enhance your social network. You will be blessed by the moon; your gurus will show you the right path, which will enlighten you on your target. Singles can find their love in the same community. Students will likely hear good news with the help of fate. Disputes with siblings will probably be settled now.

In the middle of the week, Moon will bless you, which will give you confidence and bring you wisdom. You will be able to make difficult decisions at work, with the help of self-confidence. Your wisdom will help you make the right decision in terms of business growth. You will use your creativity to renovate your home or office, which will improve your social status. It is advisable to avoid involving fantasy at work. Professionals in the fields of cosmetics, beauty, fashion, art and glamor will do well.

These past two days are important for earnings. You will probably get inherited property, you also expect to collect bad debts, which will improve your financial health. Your money stuck and likely to be recovered will increase the cash flow of the company. Your old investments will bring you back now. There will be some improvement in relationships with loved ones. Students will be able to choose the right career.


Between March 31 and April 1, you will feel bored, you are advised to control your righteousness, it could affect your family life. You will probably travel to earn money. You will need to contact your customers for payment; otherwise, your investment could become zero. You are also advised to control your arrogance at work, as your arrogance can lead to loss of business. You are also advised to drive safely and avoid going on an adventure tour. You will also be inclined to occultism; students can go to study in depth to succeed. Do not handle things otherwise you could be in dramatic situations.

In the middle of the week, everything will be under control, your spiritual power will help you to improve your self-confidence. You will plan a trip abroad for business or leisure. You will also want to go for a spiritual place with the family to seek peace of mind. You plan to donate to a place of worship or a charity. You will enjoy singing prayers or mantras. You will have good support from your family members. Your will will also have some expansion in your family business during these days, which will increase the social status of your family.

These last two days, with the help of communication skills; you will probably get a big order, which will be useful for the growth of the company. With the help of fate, you will be able to make a decision regarding tuff at work, which will improve your business in the near future. Students will get positive results in terms of hard work. Disputes with the spouse will be resolved now, which can create family harmony.


At the beginning of the week, you will be blessed by the moon. Your domestic harmony is good, it will help you to perform well in the company or at work. You will also plan a new partnership in the company. With the help of your friends or family, you will do our best. You will probably have good performance in your work; you expect rewards in terms of promotions. You will be in a winning position in a dispute. Disputes over inherited property are likely to be settled.

In the middle of the week, you will feel some misery around you. you must remain patient before investing. You expect a kind of struggle at work; situations will not be with you. The messy situation will make you short. It is advisable to defer projects related to real estate and agriculture. You are also advised to drive safely. It is likely that disputes over hereditary property issues will improve. Students will remain patient in their studies.

These past two days, with the help of elder blessings; you will be able to control difficult situations. You will be inclined to spiritualism, which will give you inner power. You will also want to visit some of your elders or your consultants for advice. You are abroad or another city will contact you to help you find a suitable job. Singles will probably find their soul mates. The love birds will be happy in dating.


In this week, from April 31 to April 2, you will be happy thanks to the blessings of the positive moon. the health problems of family members will be resolved now. Your boss will be happy on behalf of your good job; you could be promoted in terms of rewards. You could hear good news in any legal matter. You will have full control of your opponents and your commercial rivals. Aboriginal people related to artifacts, fashion, glamor and the home will do better.

In the middle of the week, you will probably get a big order in terms of business and work, which will increase your commercial and professional network. You will also begin a new partnership that will make you happy, which will bring you benefits in the near future. You will spend money to bring artifacts or creative items, which will improve your social status. You can also invest in properties and other badets. Your emotional relationship with your spouse will be further improved, which will strengthen the harmony within the family. Aboriginal people connected to cinema, glamor, at home, indoors will do better.

The last two days of the week will not be good. You will have to deal with health problems. Your confidence in you will slow down, which will affect your daily work. You may be less focused, so avoid making important decisions. You will have a mysterious fear around you. We advise you to go to a religious place or recite prayers to get out of this messy situation. I will try to avoid hasty driving. You may be a victim of conspiracy, so you are advised to keep an eye on your opponents and competitors. Lovers are advised to keep patience and avoid unnecessary arguments.


At the beginning of the week, situations will be mixed. You will feel calm and cool, you will badyze and explore yourself, and you will sometimes feel alone in the crowd. This could be an automatic filtering step, which will bring perfection to your nature. You will have some detachment from the real world, but you will come to the reality of life anyway. You will be more intellectual in terms of acquiring knowledge. Sometimes you will control your short temperament. There will be a few moments in the smooth progress of the gains, which will make you angry, you may be cautious before making new investments in badets. You will probably spend money for love once. The love birds will appreciate their happy moments. Students will hear good news. Starting April 2nd, things will be clear.

In the middle of the week, important decisions will be clear. After a self-badysis, you will become confident. You will be able to enjoy every moment with the members of the family. You will also spend money on your family and friends. Your creativity may improve and you will be interested in artifacts, movies, glamor. You expect to get incentives that will improve your financial health. The love birds will be more open to convince each other, which will improve the bond between them. Students will take a little help from their parents in terms of academics.

These last two days will be happy. Your inner sense will help you make the right decisions in the business. With the blessings of your ancestors, your business could grow. After a period of self-badysis, you will find errors in terms of relationship with the spouse, a mutual respect can arise between the couples, which will establish a solid base for your domestic life. In partnerships, many problems will be solved. Students will make quick decisions in terms of career. Singles will find a good match with the help of fate.


At the beginning of the week, the weather will be negative. You will feel dissatisfaction in your work. You will try to finish the tasks quickly. you will find your responsibilities as a burden. Your work efficiency will slow down, which can affect your daily work. Your projects will probably be delayed. You will encounter obstacles in your career. It is advisable to keep patience, it is advisable to take care of your parents. It is advisable to defer any investment in business or capital. You must consult with your elders or consultant before making any important decisions.

In the middle of the week, you will feel creative. You will use your creative skills on the job front. You will have new ideas, you will help others around you, it will increase your reputation with those around you. New innovations will come into your mind; you can implement innovation in the work. It is advisable to avoid overwork; it could tire your brain, which could lead to stress and anxiety. You will use your creativity to renovate your home or office. Singles will probably find a good match. The love birds will plan their adventure. Architects, interior decorators, precious stone dealers, people linked to cinema and glamor will perform better.

The last two days; you plan to lend money. Your blocked money will be recovered now. You will be able to control your hypothetical thoughts, you will be practical now. You may have new responsibilities in your work, which will bring you benefits in the near future. Your relationship with your boss will probably be improved. You will be in a winning position against your opponents and your rivals.


At the beginning of the week, your vital power will inspire you. You will resolve conflicts with your brothers and sisters. Your concentration on your will is perceptible, which will give you success in your projects. You will probably get good results from your hard work. With the help of your network, you will plan short business trips that will bring you benefits in the near future. Your colleagues will help you in your tuff decisions. The job seeker will find a suitable job.

In the middle of the week, it will be fine, spending too much in the family for less things will annoy you. But with the help of wisdom, you will spend your hard earned money on artifacts, creative elements that will improve your social status. You will enjoy your domestic life, but avoid arrogance and ego with your spouse. Partnership issues will probably be solved. You will also plan to invest in fixed badets or renovate your home or office. You will probably plan a trip abroad. Single must follow the intuition before making a decision regarding the marriage.

The last two days will be devoted to the problems of children. You will plan for the children of academics. Couples can accommodate a new child in the family. You will use your wisdom to resolve the dispute in business and social life. Your past investments will pay you now. Your investments in fixed badets will yield profits Love birds will avoid hiding anything in their relationship. The aspirants to marriage will hear good news. New sources of revenue are likely to open.


At the beginning of the week, you will be happy and calm, which will improve your patience. You will be polite with the people around you. Many problems will be solved thanks to your communication skills. There will be some control between saving and spending, which will boost your financial health. You will spend buying creative items to renovate your home. You are advised to control your franchise in order to preserve your domestic harmony. Must be careful in eating habits. The love birds will probably have support from their family members for the wedding. Students hear well in terms of results.

In the middle of the week, your work efficiency will be important. You will be focused and you will finish your work before the deadline, which will improve your confidence. Your will will make profits in your profession with the help of hard work. You will make difficult decisions with the help of your colleagues in your company. Some innovations will come into your mind. will give benefits in the near future. You are planning to renovate your home or office where your creativity will help you.

These last two days, you will be under pressure. You risk being detached from your responsibilities. Negative thoughts will make you angry. You are advised to connect HIV-positive people around. Try to ignore what will make you nervous. You will also have the intention to migrate from one place to another. Thanks to the blessings of the elders, you will be able to reorganize your professional projects. you could get support from your colleagues or your network. You will become a savvy investor; your previous investments will give you good earnings, which will improve your financial health. Job seekers will find suitable employment, students will learn good news. Singles will probably find a good match. The love birds will appreciate the dating.


At the beginning of the week, you are blessed by the moon, it will give you vitality and good mood. Externally, you will have to deal with work-related pressure, but your inner sense will help you control everything. You will enjoy each of your moments of work and domestic life. It will probably open new sources of income, which will boost your savings. You will probably make new business partnerships, which will bring you benefits in the near future. You expect a large order from your parent company, which will show a growth of the company. You also expect to take on new responsibilities in your job, job seekers could get a good job. Understanding with the spouse will probably be improved, which will maintain harmony in family life.

In the middle of the week, you will occupy a lot of primary, family events. You will be busy with family or in society. You can control your expenses, which will boost your savings. Your investments will give you good gains. The education of children will take care of you; you could hear good news in terms of young academics. You will implement innovations in your business for your growth. The love birds can be occupied by family problems.

The last two days seem to be very good. Property issues related to siblings could be solved. Any influential person will help you grow your business. Your network will help you grow your business. It is advisable to follow your intuition before investing in tangible badets, it may be NPA. You can go to a religious place with your family or friends to look for positive energy. You can give some money to a spiritual place or a charity. The emotional relationship with the spouse will be improved, which will preserve the national harmony. Birds in love will appreciate their frequentation.


At the beginning of the week, it will not be good for you, you will feel bored and disappointed. You could have health problems. You will probably suffer from insomnia, which could make you arrogant. Your arrogance will affect your personal life and your home harmony. You will also spend your hard earned money on worthless products, which will affect your savings. You are advised to control your nature in the mood. It is advisable to love birds to avoid discussions on worthless topics, otherwise there could be a break.

In the middle of the week, the situation will be under control and the messy situations of last week will unfold. You will feel happiness and peace of mind; you are likely to expect to be in good health too. You will work effectively in your professional life, your subordinates will cooperate to make important decisions in the company. You can plan a new business with the help of your siblings and your network. Students will do better. You will become a smart inverter now.

In recent days, you may be busy with your family and friends and will be planning outings. The children's education will also be busy. The health of children can upset you. Destiny will help you find your way to success. There may be some detachment in your personal life; you are advised to keep control of your language and your ego. In partnerships should avoid arguing, you will handle disputes in the partnership with patience, you can expect to hear good news.


The beginning of the week will make you happy and cool. You will get good results in the industry, your losses will turn into profits now, which will improve your financial health. You will make difficult decisions in the area, with the help of your subordinates. You could perform at work effectively; your boss will support you. You will get rewards in terms of incentives. You will be ready to implement new ideas in your job or business. You plan to invest more capital in your business. This can give you financial gains in the near future. In terms of domestic life, you will be occupied by the family.

In the middle of the week, it will not be favorable to you. You will feel bored, you are advised to avoid driving hastily and to delay the adventure a few days. You could be a victim of conspiracy, it is advisable to keep your eyes open, be careful with regard to hidden enemies and opponents. You will have to be careful in your way of speaking, otherwise you risk losing in the near future. Avoid investing in risky badets, otherwise badets will be converted into NPAs. To avoid lending money to anyone, it may not be recoverable easily. It is advisable to do meditation and yoga to get out of stress.

The last days of the week, everything will be under control. You will be full of vitality and inner strength. You will probably make good plans for growing your family business; Elders will bless you to effectively implement new plans. You could be careful when signing contracts; it is advisable to read the documents carefully before putting a signature. Because of the excitement, you could make stupid mistakes. Your boss will be cooperative now. You expect to get a promotion in terms of work. Love birds should avoid discussing family issues.

About the author: Samir Jain is an astrologer based in Jaipur, expert in astrology, numerology, palace chemistry and Vastu. He is also an expert in Jain Temple Vastu and Jain Jyotish. Over the last few years, he has consulted clients from the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Turkey, France, Italy, Canada, and the United States. 39, South Africa and Germany.

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