Western Railway to make up for its misstep with Sachin Tendulkar brand


With the image of the Railways narrowing after a series of incidents, the Western Railway (WR) is rushing to Sachin Tendulkar to promote its initiatives. Initiatives include cleanliness at railway stations, cleaning sewers before the rains, delicate issues like intrusion and women's safety. This comes at a time when the image of the WR was shattered by the collapse of the Andheri Bridge, the severe waterlogging in Nallasopara and even further north towards Gujarat.

Ravinder Bhakar, Director of Public Relations, WR, said: Safety and cleanliness have always been major concerns for the WR as these aspects are directly related to our pbadengers. "

This special awareness campaign will consist of short video / audio excerpts from Sachin Tendulkar, which will be played on LCD / LED screens through WR for the coming months." The video clips will also be broadcast on popular TV channels. , the movie theaters, while audio clips will be broadcast in suburban and suburban trains.

Similarly, posters displaying these awareness messages will be posted. Sachin Tendulkar can be seen by calling pbadengers to travel safely by avoiding intrusions and stunts. "Mr. Tendulkar also expressed his concern over the growing number of young people using lethal stunts on trains, and he has also created awareness of the need for safety and security. cleanliness of women.

During his youth, Sachin traveled from Bandra to Churchgate for his coaching sessions. "Tendulkar has remembered that his coach, Ramakant Acharekar, was strict on timing and that he and his cricketing friends would travel daily by the same train to be at the hour for their sessions. of training, "said a WR official. The master blaster is also seen promoting the 182 hotline and the mobile app in an emergency for women who commute to work.

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