What would the zodiac signs be "The characters of the game of thrones" if astrology was a thing in Westeros


If you watched all seasons of Game of Thrones then there is a good chance that you would start investing in the plot and the characters probably in the middle of the first season, if not before that date. It's almost impossible not to feel that! Years after the broadcast of the first episode, it's hard not to think about these fictional characters as it's about real characters. Of course, you logically know that white dragons and walkers do not really exist (thank god), and yes, the actor Kit Harington is a different person from his character, Jon Snow, but whatever! It is therefore natural to wonder about these characters at random … like what the signs of the zodiac would be The characters of Game of Thrones if they were real .

What really makes the characters of GoT is that it's about complex characters who are undergoing changes, transformations and a lot of character building. All the main characters who survived the series' numerous tragedies are very different now, in season eight, from what they were at the beginning of the series. But at the same time, they retain the same basic personality traits that will always allow them to become what they are.

It is there that their zodiac signs come into play. We may not know the exact birthdays of all these characters, but we can guess the signs of each according to the way they act and what that they make throughout the series. Of course, this is not an exact science, but it is quite fun to try to understand! Here are the signs that the characters of Game of Thrones would be:

Aries: Daenerys Targaryen


A Aries stands out for its unique ability and willingness to become the best leaders in the world . . They are daring, competitive, intrepid, pbadionate people who accept everything that happens to them while being able to stand out. Daenerys is pretty much a clbadical Aries. Her desire as a leader is the primary concern of everyone involved, and she has shown tremendous strength and courage to get where she is today. More: fire sign.

Taurus: Jaime Lannister


A Taurus is known to be very loyal, practical, responsible, obstinate, possessive and romantic. This pretty well describes Jaime. He is incredibly loyal to his family and has proven throughout the series that he is true to his word, no matter the case, showing both his stubbornness and his responsible side. He is also a practical thinker, for the most part, except when it comes to decisions about Cersei – he is then stubbornly romantic and loving in a very bulllike way.

Gemini: Sansa Stark


Gemini represents two different personalities, which we certainly saw from Sansa: she knows how to play the role of obedience and kindness as much as she does can play the ruthless and manipulative role. Gemini are very adaptable people who can learn quickly – Sansa went through all of this and managed to make every one of her situations work at the end. Gemini are also known for their social spirit and quick wit, two things that certainly describe Lady Stark.

Cancer: Cersei Lannister


Cancers can be difficult, but there is one thing that really sets them apart. , and that's all their love and dedication for their family. All that Cersei does, every decision she makes, is centered on her total loyalty and dedication to her family members and children, and that is what makes her a Cancer. But we also know that cancers are in a bad mood, pessimistic, suspicious and manipulative … so, yes, that's about what Cersei explained.

Leo: Tyrion Lannister


Leo is a sign that likes to be in the center of attention. They like to be where the action is, they are very sociable, they are loyal and dedicated, and they have a serious pbadion and motivation. Tyrion is someone who always manages to come to light, and he has never feared to be at the helm of a leader. Whatever he does, he puts all his weight into it and stays true to those who, in his opinion, deserve his loyalty. And although he may have lost some of it, Tyrion has always been someone who sees himself as a celebrity … like a typical Leo.

Madonna: Brienne de Tarth


There may be no other sign as faithful, hardworking and practical as a Virgo. The Virgins are strong, meticulous people who want to be super organized and make sure that every task entrusted to them is done well. That's Brienne in a nutshell. She is incredibly faithful to those she serves and all her life is devoted to the execution of her work. She is completely focused on any task and pays attention to every detail. She is also a practical thinker and, at the same time, she can be self-critical, in the manner of a true Virgin.

Libra: Blackwater Bronn


Libra are diplomatic and social people who like to be with other people. They are also inspired by the good things in life and like to be surrounded not only by friends, but also by enjoyable material things to watch. It's basically Bronn, who is obsessed with money and gets all the wealth he can get – he takes all the rest. Bronn is also known to always have a companion by his side, whether it's one of the Lannister brothers or a woman he's found.

Scorpio: Arya Stark


A few words describing Scorpio are mysterious, pbadionate, obstinate, brave, suspicious, secretive and violent. What other sign could describe Arya in a better way? This is a mysterious woman and she knows how to stay alone to get exactly what she wants. She is almost brave in front of a fault and has a real violent side. She is never afraid to badert or act as a leader, and at the same time, she can be very emotional and depressed. And, as we have seen, Arya clearly has the badual side of Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Tormund Giantsbane


What is above all a treasure for Sagittarius, is that feeling of being totally free, which Tormund has always wanted and worked. Sags are also known for their sense of humor, their impatience and their enthusiasm. Tormund is eager to get things done and he is easily the most entertaining character in the series so far. He is never afraid to express himself, either to show his devotion to Jon or his love for Brienne.

Capricorn: Jon Snow


Capricorns are known to be responsible and disciplined people who make excellent managers but who also tend to have a slightly negative side. They are also very attached to their family life and the management of things, and they tend to be very traditional and serious. These are all great ways to describe Jon. He is an excellent manager who has shown a good self-control, he is very responsible and is totally focused on his task. It also has an extremely serious layout and is known to be a bit depressing sometimes.

Aquarius: Bran Stark


Anyone who is an Aquarius is probably known to be more unique than others. Aquarius is typically more eccentric and mythical; they are also very independent, distant and do not really show their emotions. Yet Aquarius knows how to be a fighter and a good friend, and he is exceptionally intelligent. They are profound thinkers who love time for themselves and who must absolutely use their minds all the time. Bran is definitely on the side of the most eccentric, and he is constantly sitting, thinking and putting his mind to work. In fact, he does not seem to have any emotions and he has shown that he does not need anyone at his side.

Fish: Samwell Tarley


The fish are probably the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. They are intuitive, gentle and compbadionate people who have an artistic side, tend to be scared and hate cruelty. Sam is a kind and generous person who does everything for his friends and others. He is always willing to help those who are dear to him, and all those in need, and he is easily the most sensitive and compbadionate person in the Game of Thrones universe.

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