Where to get all Marvel movies on Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray


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From the Iron Man to Ant-Man and the Wasp in 2018.

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There is something to be thrilled about as a Marvel fan. Spider-Man's first trailer: Far From Home has just been released, along with Spider-Man's first poster and a strong release date: Far From Home. Not so long ago, the Avengers 4 trailer has fallen and every day we are getting closer to Captain Marvel's theatrical release.

To really appreciate all of Marvel's upcoming movies and their importance in Marvel's grand universe, you need to have at least a good knowledge of the movies that precede them. Fortunately, you can bring home all Marvel movies on Blu-ray, and in many cases you can get them on Blu-ray 4K, to maximize your resolution and enjoyment.

Here are all Marvel movies, where to get them. Blu-ray and, where appropriate, where to get Marvel movies on 4K Blu-ray. These are listed in chronological order, not necessarily in the order in which they should be monitored. This should help you up to Captain Marvel or Avengers 4.

Iron Man (2008)


Here's the movie that started it all, and to be honest, when I'm up there. I heard that they were making a movie about Iron Man, my It seemed foolish now, but at the time, the superhero movies were almost always bad, but Iron Man broke the mold and changed forever the face of entertainment. Read our review of Iron Man to find out more about what we are feeling at the time, in the Antiquity of 2008.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)


This one is a bit of an odd-duck MCU. In 2003, Ang Lee made a film about Hulk, which was later removed from the record when Ed Norton stepped in to play Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk. Then Mark Ruffalo took over the role and now Ed Norton travels the Earth with this sad music from the end of the old 1970s Hulk television show.

Iron Man 2 (2010)


Iron Man 2 showed that Marvel films were now "one thing" with another solid movie and the first MCU sequel. This does not reach the heights of the first film, Iron Man is more able to relive the curious introduction of Black Widow.

Thor (2011)


Thor's first film featured on the big screen one of the best parts of Chris Hemsworth's MCU: Thor. It's a pretty average Marvel movie, with some problems, but overall, it's nice, and Thor was one of the best parts of Infinity War, it so it's cool to see the first movie again.

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) [2011] [19659021] 0003Marvel "src =" https://badets1.ignimgs.com/2015/05/27/contentplaceholderpng-967b4c.png "data-original =" https: / /oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign. com / 2018/05 / 0003Marvel.jpg "width =" 350 "height =" 350 "/>

Oh baby, we're talking now, it's one of the best Marvel movies, period, and Captain America is

The Avengers of Marvel (2012)


Almost as soon as we attended the post-credits scene in Iron Man, everyone left the theater. film And now these dreams have become a reality Keep on reaching the stars, superfans

Iron Man 3 (2013)


Iron Man 3 is … We split. no one can blame the film for taking risks, Tony Stark's house is destroyed, the Mandarin … is not what you think, and Iron Man spends much of the film out of

Thor. The Dark World (2013)


Thor: The Dark World is a strange duck. loved when he came out. It was fun. He advanced the Infinity Stone tradition. But now, 5 years later, it turns out that … it is not really good, if we are honest.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)


Captain America, you are the hero America needs but maybe we do not deserve you. It is one of the best absolutes of the MCU, and it is an essential element not to be missed.

The Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


I remember hearing about this film in progress and thinking "Wow, you've gone too far now, Marvel . " Man I like to fool me when it is as good. Until Infinity War, it was my favorite Marvel movie. It's a science fiction killer movie.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


Guess who's back? Once again, the Avengers are back. Talk to a friend. It is a story of humanity's struggle to control but not to be absorbed by the very technology we create. .

Ant-Man (2015)


For each of Marvel's spectacular big movies, they counterbalance it nicely with something a little smaller. I swear to God that I was not trying to make a pun on it, because I was emphasizing the change of tone from Age of Ultron to Ant-Man. Whatever the case may be, this film is underrated and Paul Rudd is a charismatic and friendly role.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Between Age of Ultron and Infinity War, the Russo Bros. sneak into another stealthy sequel to the Avengers (minus a green guy and a god): Spider-Man, Black Panther, Ant-Man riding an arrow .. The MCU had already given us big teams, but it was the first once the franchise became "a superhero".

Doctor Strange (2016)


Doctor Strange suffers a bit from the fatigue related to the story of the origin of the superhero, but his Inseparable graphics elevate him , just like the perfect cast for Strange himself and the huge new portion of the MCU that he opens.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 (2017)


This does not really fit his predecessor, but he gave us Baby Groot, the most adorable of all MCU characters. And makes sure that Kraglin is a convincing and friendly character with a bow of his own? It's still very good, but not as great as the original.

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) [19659054] 0015Marvel "src =" https://badets1.ignimgs.com/2015/05/27/contentplaceholderpng-967b4c.png "data-original =" https: // oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/05/0015Marvel.jpg "width =" 350 "height =" 350 "/>

I really loved this movie, so much more than what I was expecting. I thought I was tired by Spider after all those Spider-Man movies from different studios. It was a breath of fresh air , bringing Spider-Man back to his 15-year-old origins while was not a story of origin was a stroke of genius.

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) [19659057] 0014Marvel "src =" https://badets1.ignimgs.com/2015/05/27/contentplaceholderpng-967b4c.png "data-original =" https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/ 2018/05 / 0014Marvel.jpg "width =" 350 "height =" 350 "/>

Thor Ragnarok has it all. Led Zeppelin. Jeff Goldblum. Directed by Taika Waititi. And of course … Korg: it's a ton of fun that completely reinvents the character and is, against all odds, one of the absolute best of the MCU. com / 2015/05/27 / contentplaceholderpng-967b4c.png "data-original =" https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/05/0016Marvel.png "width =" 350 " height = "350" />

Rules of the Black Panther.He has one of the best villains of all Marvel Universe.I do not know if Killmonger or Thanos is my favorite villain.But who Do not worry about it? Take this one.

The Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

  https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/11/Avnegers. jpg

Avengers: The War to Infinity is the absolute climax of the greatest tracks of all previous Marvel movies, and even the characters of the so-so Marvel movies are incredible in that Seriously, it's not just the best Marvel movie, it's perhaps the best superhero movie ever made. "19659014] Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)


After the Huge show of Avengers: Infinity War, release Ant-Man and the Wasp was a great gesture on the part of Marvel. Since no 2018 film can compete with the enormity of Infinity War, Marvel has become literally a little game.

Seth Macy is the technology and commerce editor and the collector of beautiful Blu-ray discs from IGN. Follow him on Twitter @sethmacy .

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