Who is Amul Thapar? Judge Who Could Be The First Indian-American Appointed To The United States Supreme Court


  Amul Thapar, Native American, Supreme Court of the United States, Donald Trump, Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice, Supreme Court of Canada, World News Thapar, 49, is one of 25 pre-screened judges. (Photo: IE)

US President Donald Trump today interviews Native American lawyer Amul Thapar as a potential candidate to replace current Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. According to PTI, after President Trump interviewed him with 3 others, Thapar has now emerged as a "serious" candidate for the job. Thapar, 49, is one of 25 pre-screened judges who could be named to replace Kennedy, according to the Washington Post. The report also said that along with Thapar, Kavanaugh Brett, Amy Coney Barrett and Raymond Kethledge were also interviewed earlier today by the US President for the bench of the Supreme Court.

Amul Thapar, who lives and works in Kentucky, has the support of Mitch McConnell, the majority leader in the Senate. He is the son of Indian-American immigrants and is also the first judge of Article III of the nation of South Asian origin. His meeting described by several White House aides is seen both as a gesture of respect for the Republican Party leader of the Republican Party and as a proof that he is "serious". McConnell, who shares his home country with Thapar, said, "I think it's absolutely brilliant, with the right temperament."

US President Donald Trump during his meeting with the 4 potential candidates described him as very interesting. He said, "I will meet two or three more and we will make a decision on the US Supreme Court, the new justice." He added, "This will be done over the next few days and we will announce it on Monday (9th of July), and I look forward to it, I think the chosen person will be exceptional." [19659003] It was also stated in the report that neither White House nor Trump himself disclosed the names, except for interviewing four potential Supreme Court candidates

Judge Kennedy, age 81 , announced his retirement from the US Supreme Court last week, his last day at the office will be July 31.

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