Why did Prince Charles tell Meghan Markle not to wear a tiara in Fiji


  Commonwealth Day 2019 "title =" Commonwealth Day 2019 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https: //hipgf.html> s3.amazonaws.com/images/meghan-duchess-of-susbad-waits-the-2019-commonwealth-day-news-photo -1135208709-1554051469.jpg? Crop = 1.00xw: 0.723xh; 0.0.0898xh & resize = 480: * "data-size =" auto "data-srcset =" https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3 .amazonaws.com / images / meghan-duchess-of-susbad-waiting-the-2019-common-day-news-photo-1135208709-1554051469.jpg? crop = 1.00xw: 0.723xh; 0,0,0898xh & resize = 640: * 640w, https: //hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazaws .com / images / susbad meghan-duchess-bademble-the-2019-day-of-the-year -Commonwealth-photo-1135208709-1554051469.jpg? crop = 1.00xw: 0.723xh; 0.0.0898xh & resize = 768: * 768w, https: //hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/meghan-duchess-of-susbad-wait-the-2019-commonwealth- day-news-photo-1135208709-1554051469.jpg? crop = 1.00xw: 0.723xh; 0.0898xh & resize = 98 0: * 980w "/> 

			<span clbad= Max Mumby / Indigo Getty Images

  • A new report indicates that Prince Charles helped Meghan Markle avoid a royal fashion flaw when of his Fiji Tour with Prince Harry.
  • Prince Charles also gave Meghan and Harry advice on how to deal with all the negative press that was waiting for them.

    Prince Charles, aka Prince Harry and Prince William's father, had been providing good advice for Harry and Meghan Markle lately, and Prince Charles would have given Harry and Meg some solid advice on how to deal with the bad press ("continues to do the work") and now, it seems that he even gave Meghan advice on fashion during his first royal tour …

    Daily Mai l reports that Prince Charles intervened when he learned that Meghan av intends to wear a tiara at his first dinner abroad in Fiji. Apparently, Meg was going to borrow a tiara from the Royal Collection for dinner, but Prince Charles did not think it would be a good idea.

    According to him, the diadem would have been considered "extravagant" and could be considered "reminiscent of a bygone era". A source also told the Daily Mail that "Meghan did not understand all of this because she was new to the role and that Prince Charles told her that it would not be appropriate. It was very kindly done. "

    And just in case you were wondering, here is what Meg ended up wearing for the event, and she looked amazing even without the helmet:

      Duke and Duchess of Susbad visit Fiji - Day 1

    Pool / Samir Hussein Getty Images

    More Just Another Cause:

      Duke and Duchess of Susbad visit Fiji - Day 1 "title =" The Duke and Duchess of Susbad visit Fiji - Day 1 "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/meghan-duchess-of-susbad-waits-the- state-dinner-on-news-photo-1052802098-1554050861.jpg? crop = 1xw: 1xh; center, top & resize = 480: * "/> </picture> </div>
			<span clbad= Pool Getty Images

    The props of Prince Charles for having followed the fashion / royal-royal council, as well as wow belong to the British royal family, it sounds good!

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