Why Peyton Reed, Director of Ant-Man and The Wasp?


[Note: Major spoilers ahead for “Ant-Man and The Wasp. Seriously, if you haven’t seen the movie, we recommend not reading further.]

One of the big stars of "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is the mysterious Ghost, (superbly performed by Hannah John-Kamen), a masked and science fiction fighter who can become intangible – which means that she can get through the walls, go invisible, and so on – and that makes life hell for our heroes. But just like its capabilities of "quantum phasing", not everything is as it seems.

We learn later that she is a young woman named Ava Starr, who got her powers when she was exposed to a failed attempt to recreate the technology. this makes Ant-Man and Wasp possible. Now, these same powers are killing her and her actions seemingly are due to her quest to find a cure before it's too late.

All of this is very different from his comic counterpart. Although the character is new to Marvel's film universe, Ghost has been present in comics for over 30 years, but in a very different form. Originally conceived, Ghost is a man, a tragic villain rather than an antihero, and an enemy of Iron-Man rather than Ant-Man and the Wasp. Speaking to TheWrap, Peyton Reed, the director of "Ant-Man and The Wasp", explained how and why he changed the character so that he would sit in his corner of the MCU.

See also: 52 ranked Marvel films, including "Ant" We found Ghost and we were free to reinvent this character as we wanted, and obviously we turned it into a she , but we also created a character that was really in the tone of our film and the theme of the fathers and girls.This corresponds to our film, "tells Reed to TheWrap

" Ghost is a much less known antagonist in the world of comics, "he continued. "I've really dug up that character's look and power, but in terms of the backstory or character in the comics, I did not find it very convincing, I thought that's why." Was annoying, so it was really a chance to create a character from scratch for this movie that really had a personal connection with our heroes and especially with Hank Pym and I liked that. " 19659006] Read also: Is' Ant-Man and The Wasp & # 39; have a message -Credit Scene?

Created in 1987 by David Michelinie and Bob Layton, Ghost appeared for the first time in Iron-Man number 219 "The Ghost and the Machine." Unlike his counterpart MCU, Ghost was a successful data engineer. a major computer company, where he created GhostTech, a series of computer chips that could enter an intangible state before overheating, while still operating and holding an incredible amount of data.

The executives of the company where Ghost worked have manipulated him to keep him productive and in return the rich. And to make a short story, after Ghost finishes the GhostTech project, the company kills his girlfriend (who says that bad guys backstories can not have fridging?) And after a depression, he implants GhostTech in his body, forming a cybernetic connection with the systems of the company. Discovering the truth behind the death of his girlfriend, he seeks revenge on corporate leaders before devoting his wickedness to corporate sabotage.

See also: 13 major persistent questions after seeing 'Ant and Wasp'. [19659002] "[We liked that] that could inform the thing that we had put in place in the first movie, that was, Hank Pym is a mentor but he also has some problems, no? He has anger issues and, we have set up that he does not play well with others and that's something we've reinforced somehow in this movie, "said Reed. "I like the idea that in this generational hero story there could be consequences, you know, the results of the sins of the father could somehow come to revisit the child."

"I also love the fact that we had our father literal -the girls' stories with Scott [Lang] and Cbadie and Hank [Pym] and Hope [Van Dyne] and maybe that he could There was a kind of dynamic father-daughter figurative with Ava Starr, so for all these reasons, it was just the right tone for our film and the logical progression of our heroes. "

22 Wonderful Masters Ranked From, From Unforgettable to Killmonger (Photos)

  •   Wonders Wonders

    Marvel has a nasty problem. Or until incredibly recently – they had a nasty problem. A decade of memorable movies and heroes that Hollywood has to offer, but they struggled to pit the Avengers against a super villain chewing scenes, tied with the Joker, Bane, Doc Ock or Magneto . And no asterisk will do these last two parts of the MCU. Since the bad guys are almost never the best part of a Marvel movie, we decided to look back at those who worked surprisingly, and those who certainly did not [19659002] (Note: We included the major villains in this gathering, so no Laufey, Mandarin, Dormammu or Tony Stark circa "Civil War")


  •   Mickey Rourke Iron Man 2 "title =" Mickey Rourke Iron Man 2 "clbad =" image-loading "data -src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/618Mickey.jpg "/>

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    22. Ivan Vanko / Whiplash (Mickey Rourke) – "Iron Man 2"

    What a mumbling. Iron Man shot the Hulk, but in one way or another he fights with a guy with an extender and a pet bird


  •   Malekith Thor Dark World

    21. Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) – "Thor: the world of darkness"

    Far from being considered an evil by an elf, this pale-skinned guy is known for his bad dialogue and his tail of even worse horse

    Marvel [19659018] Tim Roth Abomination "title =" Tim Roth Abomination "clbad =" image-load "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/04 / Abomination.jpg "/>

    20. Emil Blonsky / The Abomination (Tim Roth) – "The Incredible Hulk"

    General Ross is technically the one who calls the shots, but Blonsky is the real villain in "L & # 39; Amazing Hulk ". Tim Roth plays it with love at first sight, but it's a momentary shootout followed by a transformation to another CGI monster that just sweeps everything in sight


  •   Ronan The Accuser - Guardians of the Galaxy

    19. Ronan (Lee Pace) – "Guardians of the Galaxy"

    For a movie as light and airy as "The Guardians of the Galaxy", it's a shame that his villain is so heavy and too heavy . The noisy and loud performance of Lee Pace resembling an Egyptian god belongs entirely to another film


  •   Yellowjacket Ant-Man Corey Stoll "title =" Yellowjacket Ant-Man Corey Stoll "clbad =" image-loading " data -src = "https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Yellowjacket_antman.jpg" />

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    18. Darren Cross / Yellowjacket (Corey Stoll) – "Ant-Man"

    Another despised CEO leads to evil by copying the high-tech super-suit of another hero, Darren Cross is Obadiah Stane with less malevolence. Fortunately, Corey Stoll is almost as friendly as Paul Rudd.

  • Marvel

  •   Kaecilius Strange Doctor Mads Mikkelsen "title =" Kaecilius Strange Doctor Mads Mikkelsen "clbad =" loading image "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp- content / uploads / 2018/04 / Kaecilius-Doctor-Strange.jpg "/>

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    17. Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) – "Doctor Strange"

    I am struck by the little Kaecilius in "Doctor Strange". You could argue that he's even the second villain behind the giant Dormammu face. Mads Mikkelsen is a mean Bond, yet his dazzled fish eyes seem to do all the work here.

  • Marvel

  •   Sam Rockwell Iron Man 2 Wonderful Villains Clbadified

    16. Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) – "Iron Man 2"

    In another universe, Sam Rockwell may have made a great Tony Stark, and he first auditioned for the role. But as a salesman and ammo salesman, he makes a Tony Stark-wannabe and an irresistible rival, even if he is more greedy than maleficent.


  •   Aldrich Killian Guy Iron Man Pearce 3 "title =" Aldrich Killian Guy Iron Man Pearce 3 "clbad =" image download "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com /wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Aldrich-Killian-kills-Maya-Hansen.jpg "/>

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    15. Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) – "Iron Man 3"

    Another Tony Stark impersonator, Aldrich Killian is bad because he puts the moves on Pepper Potts and is literally a brandon. Although the subplot, the backstory that Stark "created" Killian by snubbing him on top of a roof is a bit lame.

  • Marvel

  •   Robert Redford hydra "title =" Robert Redford hydra "clbad =" image-load "-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/robert -redford-hydra.jpg "/>

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    14. Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford) – "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

    I do not fully appreciate that the MCU suddenly turned into "all the men of the president" just because that Robert Redford called Alexander Pierce. He certainly lends "Solditas Winter Soldier", and he's a charismatic villain because he's Redford, but no one jumps to call it one of his best performances. In fact, Redford has set a bad precedent for superhero movies by having spandex guys sitting around meeting rooms and courthouses discussing moral politics.

  • Marvel

  •   Hannah John-Kamen Ghost ANT-MAN AND THE WASP "title =" Hannah John-Kamen Ghost ANT-MAN AND THE WASP "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" https: // www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/HannahJohnKamenGhostAntManandWasp.jpg "/>

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    13. Phantom (Hannah John-Kamen) – "Ant and the Wasp"

    Only the second wicked in the history of Marvel behind Cate Blanchett, Hannah John-Kamen makes the Ghost symmetrical and complex. a way that is rare in the MCU. In fact, you could put quotes around "naughty" and point to Sonny Burch as the real villain of "Ant-Man and the Wasp." But John-Kamen plays Ghost as always on the verge of becoming completely bad, flirting with the kidnapping of Scott's daughter and fully willing to risk Janet's life to save hers. She has a good heart, but you have the feeling that she could return without the good advice of Dr. Bill Foster

  • Marvel

  •   Trailer of Black Panther andy serkis klaw "title =" Panther Trailer black andy serkis klaw "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/black-panther-trailer-andy-serkis-klaw.jpg "/>

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    12. Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) – "Black Panther"

    We do not often see Andy Serkis in the flesh. So it's amazing to see him enter the real world as a mbadive body man in "Black Panther". Killmonger steals the show, but it could be the best part of some other Marvel films.

  • Marvel

  •   kurt russell ego the living planet guardians of the galaxy flight 2 wonder cinematic universe timeline

    11. Ego (Kurt Russell) – "The Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2"

    He begins benevolent and visionary, but Ego spills his seed across the galaxy, then reaps his children in a quest for the perfect badtail of 39 DNA of his genes and even gives his human wife a tumor. And he can turn into David Hbadelhoff on a whim.


  •   Ultron Marvel Cinematic Universe

    10. Ultron (James Spader) – "Avengers: The Ultron Era"

    Ultron may be an android, but as James Spader expressed it in his quick, dry and condescending signature he has more personality and depth than a lot of bad guys on this list. He makes fun of Tony Stark by constantly playing "I Got No Strings on Me" and gives the illusion of big themes while he talks about AI and the madness of the man . Although I have never understood why an unstoppable being that could exist on the Internet would make a physical manifestation of itself that could be so easily defeated.


  •   Iron Man Iron Monger Jeff Bridges

    9. Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger (Jeff Bridges) – "Iron Man"

    Every villain that Iron Man has faced is the result of someone who steals and manipulates Tony Stark's technology. Nobody did it better or more convincingly than Obadiah Stane, who paid terrorists to kidnap Stark but who had a plausible motive as a ruthless business. The final battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger is far better than the Iron Man battle that swarms drones. And The Dude himself brings a menacing calm when he is facing Pepper Potts.


  •   red skull captain america marvel cinematographic universe "title =" red skull captain america marvel cinematic universe "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp- content / uploads / 2016/10 / red-skull.jpg "/>

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    8. Johann Schmidt / Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) – "Captain America: The First Avenger"

    You can not go wrong with a furious, deformed, mutant Nazi like your bad guy. Hugo Weaving brings a little crazy energy to the character, even though he's far from Cape's most formidable foe.

  • Marvel

  •   Marvel Cinematic Captain America Universe Zemo Civil War "title =" Marvel Cinematic Captain America Universe Civil War Zemo "image = loading image-loading" data-src = "https://www.thewrap.com/ wp-content / uploads / 2016/05 / landscape-1461235102-captain-america-civil-war-helmut-zemo.jpg "/>

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    7. Helmut Zemo (Daniel Bruhl) – "Captain America: The Civil War"

    For a guy with no discernible powers or even a cool suit, Daniel Bruhl goes the nasty Bond full in his manipulative tactic, scare brain. As is the case with Michael Keaton's Vulture, it's an ordinary person who has lost so much that you even feel pity when he exposes his soul to T & # 39; Challa

  • Marvel

  •   Winter soldier wonder of the cinematic universe

    6. Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) – "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

    We know he was always of heart, but Bucky Barnes really seems to be a big nasty Marvel. He is mysterious and has an intense death gaze, and his visceral and captivating combat scenes with Cape curled up behind his shield are some of the most realistic Marvel staged


  •   Thanos Final Vengeance trailer thanos

    5. Thanos (Josh Brolin) – "Avengers: The Infinite War"

    In terms of sheer power, he should be at the top of this list. And the gruff and solemn tone of Josh Brolin makes him incredibly irresistible. But as good as the other bad guys on this list, no one has become a meme in the same way as Thanos, and for that, he will remain a big villain of all time.


  •   Cate Blanchett Hela Thor Ragnarok "title =" Cate Blanchett Thor Hela Ragnarok "clbad =" image loading "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp- content / uploads / 2017/04 / Cate-Blanchet-Hela.jpg "/>

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    4. Hela (Cate Blanchett) – "Thor: Ragnarok"

    Go Cate Blanchett, if you're going to be a super-villain, you can not show up in what you'd have worn Cannes – goth wood, emerald from one piece and everything. In a film not as funny and fun as that of Taika Waititi, Hela could make a really spectacular villain, but she earns points on the only design of her character

  • Marvel

  •   spider-man back home adrian toomes michael keaton vultures

    3. Adrian Toomes / Vulture (Michael Keaton) – "Spider-Man: Homecoming"

    Just when you thought Michael Keaton had finished making superhero movies, he joined the "Spider-Man" of a worker warrior despised and forgotten by the heroes of the Avengers. Thor could hurt him, but against a Spidey teenager, the modest proportions of vindictive and vindictive values ​​of his Vulture made him feel real.


  •   Loki thor ragnarok "title =" Loki thor ragnarok "clbad =" "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Loki.jpg "/>

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    2. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) – "The Avengers", "Thor"

    I do not have a fangirl-ish affinity for Tom Hiddleston's Loki as most people do, but his good playful guy and mischievous with Thor and the other Avengers have made him a pillar of Marvel for a reason.

  • Marvel

  •   killmonger black panther michael b jordan soul stone "title =" killmonger black panther michael b jordan soul stone "clbad =" image-loading "data-src =" https://www.thewrap.com/ wp-content / uploads / 2018/02 / killmonger-black-panther-michael-b-jordan-soul-stone.jpg "/>

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    1. Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) – "Black Panther"

    Played by Michael B. Jordan with a threatening air, Killmonger has a sense of fashion, baduality, trust, and he makes you believe that It is RIGHT. His tragic backstory and his honest education in Oakland make him empathetic, but it's his darkness that says a lot. The scene in which he is presented, with Killmonger flying an old hatchet and confronting the white cleric at the museum, could be Marvel's most beautiful period, and is by far the best villain Marvel has to offer.


  • Where is "Ant-Man and the Wasp" mean rank of Ghost?

    Marvel has a nasty problem. Or until incredibly recently – they had a nasty problem. A decade of memorable movies and heroes that Hollywood has to offer, but they struggled to pit the Avengers against a super villain chewing scenes, tied with the Joker, Bane, Doc Ock or Magneto . And no asterisk will do these last two parts of the MCU. Since the bad guys are almost never the best part of a Marvel movie, we decided to look back at those who worked surprisingly, and those who certainly did not [19659002] (Note: We have included the major villains in this gathering, so no Laufey, Mandarin, Dormammu or Tony Stark circa "Civil War")

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