Why would anyone do that? Nawazuddin Siddiqui says no fatwa against him for "Thackeray"


Two years ago, Nawazuddin Siddiqui had retired from a Ramleela program in his original place in Budhana, Uttar Pradesh, after people, allegedly from the local Shiv Sena unit, had raised an objection against a Muslim artist playing a Hindu character.

Thus, years later, when he is chosen for the role of Bal Thackeray in the Shiv Sena surpemo biopic, entitled Thackeray the news is a surprise to many. But the actor believes that he has the "total freedom" to choose or refuse any role.

"I am an artist.I have spent 30 years of my life in this field and I have followed it with pbadion.When I can do it I feel really happy that my 25 years of struggle be executed somewhere, and I think I have the freedom to choose and play any type of role I want to play, "he said.
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When asked if anyone had imposed him a fatwa for playing Thackeray, he replied, "I'm an actor, why would anyone do that?"
Bal Thackeray was known for his pro-Marathi ideology and for his broader Hindutva program. One of the most important leaders in Maharashtra's politics for nearly six decades, it has targeted South Indians for their growing influx into Maharashtra. He had also expressed dissatisfaction with northern migrants, particularly those from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

However, Siddiqui, who came to Mumbai in the 1990s from a small town in Muzaffarnagar, denies having developed any kind of fear emanating from religious. Intolerance or injustice in the city.

"I think Mumbai is one of the places with the highest number of migrants, I also came from UP, thousands of people have realized their dreams, and I do not think Mumbai, no Another city in the world does not allow your dream to come true.The one who comes from the outside – someone is a superstar, a writer, a singer.If this state of mind had been there In the city, all these things did not come out of a small UP village and I went there to live dreams … No other place would have helped me realize my dreams, "said the actor.

The actor received rave reviews. for his portrayal of the late Shiv Sena founde r, said it was the hardest and most difficult part of his career.

"I've watched a lot of Balasaheb's videos and interviews preparing for my role, the thing is that everyone knows him, there are still so many people who are emotionally connected to him. you automatically sense an immense sense of responsibility to do justice to the character.But I have enjoyed playing challenging roles.I'm fond of being pushed out of my comfort zone and doing as much as I can. experiences as possible as there is only one life. "

Thackeray published alongside Kangana Ranaut Manikarnika- The Queen of Jhansi Siddiqui Just answer the question: "That's good. I hope both movies will work. "

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