Will Bran Stark win in Game of Thrones Season 8?


Brandon Stark was the first victim of Game of Thrones . Before the wars, before the red and purple marriages, before beheadings and dismemberments, poor Bran Stark was pushed by a window of the first villain of the series, Jaime Lannister. The fall of Bran has, in many ways, triggered this whole story. He helped launch the war of the five kings. And, in the most horrific circumstances, this led him to become the most powerful player in this story – the boy who can literally change the fate and history of mankind.

What's interesting, that's how the character of Bran Stark – as much this universe embraces and breaks both the expected fantastic tropes. While it falls into the category of being "the elected", to be "the royal heir", to "have a sorcerer mentor" and "a friendly companion of creature "(summer RIP), by the time Bran falls off this tower, his story has become less like a fantasy novel than a superhero's path to redemption. Like all great superheroes, Bran has turned his weakness into strength. Although he remained without using his legs after his fall, he was able to focus on using his Greensight powers for Warg to become his wolf and Hodor. His disability is very rarely represented in a fantasy novel from the point of view of the first person of the main character. And, at least in books, George RR Martin was able to write to perfection the physical and mental obstacles that Bran faced.

Through all this, Bran became the Raven with three eyes – a mysterious entity that neither the viewer nor Bran himself fully. to understand again. Here's what we know: Bran can see everything in the past, where he has the knowledge of previous generations. As I have already noted, he is able to attack animals and humans. And, while looking back, he has proven that he can gently influence the events of the past.

It is precisely this ability that places Bran in the unique position of winning from Game of Thrones . But in the case of Bran, what does it mean? Well, it's not sitting on the iron throne.

  image "title =" picture "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bran-season-7-1553015631 ? .jpg crop = 1xw: 1xH, center, top & resize = 480: * "/> [19659006HERHBO[19659007HERDèsqueBranacommencéàvraimentcomprendrel&#39;étenduedesonpouvoirSoncheminversletrônedeferestterminéilestdestinéàdesprojetsplusambitieuxetplusambitieuxqueceluidel&#39;acteurIsaacHempsteadWrightaprèslafinaledelasaison7:[19659006] Showrunners [David Benioff and DB Weiss] I began to talk about the way Bran would become now that he had all human history downloaded into his brain and they basically thought that he was going to be like the Manhattan Doctor of the Comic Book <em> Watchmen </em> that we have created this idea of ​​Bran existing both in all these different moments and reaching all possible moments at a given moment. </p></blockquote>
<p clbad= This comparison with the doctor Manan Attan positions Bran as someone who is above and indifferent to the monotonous and small duty of being king.

  image "title =" picture "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bran-night-king-1553015381 .jpg? crop = 1xw: 1xh; center, top & resize = 480: * "/> </picture></div>
			<span clbad= HBO

Instead, some of the most popular theories among Bran fans can indicate what his triumph in Game of Thrones Season 8 might look like.The most popular of them combines Bran's abilities with his involvement in the construction of the Wall and the stagnation of mad King Aerys Targaryen. </ P> <p> The other fans are planning that Bran's interference could be at the origin of his creation of the King of the night- or even become the king of the night – in the first place, but what all these elements have in common, that is 39 is that Bran uses his powers of Raven in the three eyes to fundamentally alter the course of humanity, both for better than for worse.

Considering the legend of Bran the builder in the books, our Bran Stark could have a lot bigger spell in front of him than just becoming a king. the long prophesied prince who has been promised. First of all, let's go back to the recent interview Entertainment Weekly with Night King actor, Vladimir Furdik, who stated that his character "had a target to kill, and you'll know who There is also this moment [in “Hardhome”] while Jon Snow was on the boat and the king of the night looked at him and raised his arms – there is a similar and even stronger moment between Jon and the King of at night. "



Suppose now that this person sought by the king of the night is actually Bran, aka the three-eyed crow. Let's take into consideration everything we know that happened during the long night and the decisive battle where the army of the living was saved by the last hero, who may or may not be the legendary Azor Ahai . This last hero was the first three-eyed crow, known as Bran the Builder, who had repelled the White Walkers to save humanity. So, if Bran is the first three-eyed crow, it means that the king of the nights is heading for the murder of Bran, perhaps for revenge or, more likely, to defeat the only person with the knowledge or ability to # 39; stop.

place Bran as a more central position in this story than even Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen.

And honestly, all of this is a little more impressive than most teenagers did at Bran's age. While Bran is ready to save an imaginary kingdom, Earth Earth's teenagers are just practicing

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