Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, arrives in India for the Supersonic Festival. See photos and video


Image Source: YOGEN SHAH

Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith, arrives in India for the Supersonic Festival. See photos and video

Last year, the Internet became furious after photos of Will Smith cooling with Bollywood celebrities, including Karan Johar, Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh. Now his talented son Jaden Smith has landed in India to amaze his fans at the VH1 Supersonic Festival, which is scheduled to take place in Pune. The rapper landed in Mumbai last night. Recently, he gave a performance to the Grammys 2019 with Diana Ross. The young musician also made one of his relations with rapper Tyler, The Creator

  India Tv - Will Smith arrives in India

Will Smith arrives in India

  India Tv - Will Smith arrives in India [19659005] Smith arrives in India </p>
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Will Smith arrives in India

  India TV - Will Smith arrives in India

Will Smith arrives in India

Jaden Smith was seen leaving the airport. He was wearing a gray hoodie. The young musician recognized the paparazzi and also addressed his fans.

While talking about Jaden Smith, Will Smith said in 2017: "I look at him in the eyes and say to myself," You have to worry a little bit about it. "It's a flawless freedom of which I am jealous . He is so absolutely [and] completely comfortable to be as he was 20 years ago. But what happens when you start to be successful [is that] you are drawn into a lane [and] your way begins to feel comfortable and it becomes a little scary to go out when you do not Do not ring the bell, necessarily, that people want to ring. When I look at Jaden and it's like I love this freedom. It inspires me in a truly unique and special way. As a parent, it makes me very proud.

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