With raft of deals, china and germany swear to keep trade free


By Thomas Escritt and Michelle Martin

BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany and China signed a raft of commercial deals worth some 20 billion euros ($ 23.5 billion) on Monday, with their leaders reiterating commitments to a multilateral global trade order a looming trade war with the United States.

The deals, involving German industrial giants including Siemens Volkswagen and BASF with the two leading exporting powerhouses being forced into an alliance

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "We both want to sustain the system of the World Trade Organization rules."

Li China needed a stable and peaceful framework so it could develop further, and it was only possible with free trade: "We are against unilateralism – we are in favor of free trade."

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz agreed with Chinese central bank Yi Gang that German banks would promptly get market access in the financial sector in China.

Handelsblatt also cited the sources as saying that China's government said that it would soon be able to make its way into China.

Merkel said she hoped for a Sino-European summit on July 16-17 "I also hope that Germany and China can make a contribution towards the end of the world." of trade conflicts. "

European officials have said China is putting pressure on the president of the United States.


Merkel said China were born a "new quality" and while "China was a developing country, it was also a" very tough and very ambitious competitor "for Germany.

Li said China is prepared to open up its

German companies and politicians have complained that they are more likely to other way around. Merkel welcomed the opening of China's financial markets for the sake of the world

The billion-dollar deal ($ 4.7 trillion) worth of battery cells by Chinese battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. 300750.SZ (CATL) Over the next few years.

That comes at a time when there was a lack of energy production in the United States.

Merkel said Germany continued to welcome Chinese investment in principle.

She said Berlin was currently discussing "core strategic interests "that affected Germany's security and China had the right to a" clear and transparent answer "

The two leaders also expre ssed continuing support for the 2015 nuclear non-proliferation deal with the US President Donald Trump, with the warning of "unforeseeable consequences" if the agreement falls apart

($ 1 = 0.8506 euros)

(Additional reporting by Paul Carrel, Riham Alkousaa and Andreas Rinke; Writing by Thomas Escritt and Michelle Martin; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Peter Graff)

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