With silent supersonic technology, NASA prepares to enter public


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<p><span style= The NASA test pilot Armstrong Flight Research Center closes at least the ports of his F / A- 18 after reaching 49,000 feet test site because it is higher than where normal airlines fly, it is in Mach 1, with the speed of sound or about 630 miles per hour at this height
This almost all the planes were taken to reach this summit in the Sky, but it will not last long … Slowly the sky and the ground replaced the places to make turn the anticipated jet of fight, the index pulls on the stick and points along the nose.

It keeps the goal of a specific point on the ground where, somewhere ahead, the NASA researcher will listen to the sky because hundreds of recruited volunteers go about their daily business, who are willing to do know that they are ahead – if they see anything.

Reincarnation After reincarnation, the twin-engine aircraft descends liberally like brick and advances rapidly forward. Clues again to keep the sky at F / A-18 makes rollers where it refers and screws through Mac 1.

Air molecules immediately start to resist infiltration of this supersonic jet, which generates dozens of small shock waves, that they get away from the plane and to the f / a-18 to go back and forth in two waves of different shock.

Generally, as anyone standing on the ground quickly flying over the plane, these two shock waves often do not need to hear the amazing, unsettling, and usually forgotten BOOM-BOOM!

But this supersonic dive is anything but ordinary.

On reaching a maximum speed of Mac 1.1, Clue pulls the rod again, in a much more circular dive, with more ground to fill the ground faster than the badpit.
His body presses against his seat because he's aiming to draw 3.5 g, or three and a half in the search pilot's desk, on normal gravity.

Since NASA F / A-18 is starting to climb again, allowing Clue to leave for another dive, and turn around 32,000 feet, something interesting with the waves. Supersonic shock emanating from the aircraft for this maneuver

Shockwave focuses directly on the aircraft under a very strong and focused pair. of Sonic Boom. There is not enough energy to cause the cause of damage or injury, but if someone is below it is very strong for immediate attention.
Meanwhile, a few miles past the dive point, the supersonic shockwave adheres strictly to the laws of physics – In this case, the laws must be made with energy. If the energy of the sound boom is concentrated and strong in the direction of F / A-18, then the shock waves should be stretched and weak in the other direction.

Spillovers in this region: a People who are on the ground, including those who are NASA scientists and local aides, rarely notice, if they hear anything. So, what is it? Did they notice or not? The aeronautical agency NASA is determined to explore and with good reason.

The agency recently gave the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company the agreement of 247.5 million to create a plane faster than the X sound, with the official title of the X-59 ", It will put directly highlight the supersonic cool technologies in the super large and large flying area.

This is a major update of the F / A-18 dive, which can "simulate" its cold sound over a very limited area.
Part of the low-flying demonstration mission, X-59, was designed in such a way that Supersonic Shockwave was not able to make a specific Sonic boom, which prompted the government to ban the supersonic flight before the year.A NASA aerospace engineer at Armstrong, Ed Haering, said: "With the X-59, you will still have a lot of shockwaves due to aircraft wings and wings planes, but the size of the plane was carefully prepared. Shock waves

Haering said " Instead of getting a vigorous boom-boom, you will get at least two dull noises, if you hear them too ". For these flying communities, NASA, the acoustic engineers who intend to start in 2023, want to test and refine their research methods to measure sound levels on the ground and to make public comments [19659021]. -18 is important to us as a tool, while construction is underway on X-59, we can use these diving maneuvers to produce cold sonic dust in a specific area.

Preliminary testing of the A-18 research methodology was conducted in 2011 with the badistance of the military community living on the grounds of Edwards Air Force Base in California.

The Waveforms and Sonic Boom perception and response project collected data on Edwards' supersonic flight. Sonic Boom produced by F / A-18 from a group of over 100 volunteer residents.
Now researchers want to do a show on the road and try the same thing in a community that is not used anytime so that Sonic Boom gives a regular sound to the Edward community.

Using the F / A-18 and aiming to keep calm in a specific area, plan to hold a series of data alongside Armstrong, Langley Research Center and Johnson Space Center in Texas as well as industrial partners. – Flight collection at Galveston, Texas, November 2018.
The Gulf Coast was chosen because it adjoins the Gulf of Mexico, allowing the F / A-18 to keep its vigorous sonic boom (near the diving point) the sea, while the calm Sonic Waves throws (very far point of diving) on ​​Galveston.
At least 500 resident volunteers will be invited to provide comments on a secure website, which they have heard, if any, and what they think In addition, audio sensors strategically placed in the city ​​will provide researchers with a measure of basic scientific truths about the reality of noise.

Alexandra Loubeau, NASA team leader for community response research at Langley " We never know what everyone has heard, there will not be any. 39; instrument to monitor the sound on their shoulder inside our home.But we would at least want to estimate an estimate of the noise level that they actually heard . "

Researchers are considered a target in the brain for X-Plane – F / A-18 can also produce with their dives – what they think is acceptable to the community.

Practice data recorded at Galveston could begin to prove to your principle what should be the proper noise level, but it will not be until the X-59 flight is triggered. The final conclusion that will not end your community will be removed.

Loubeau said, " Trials in the fall will really help us to know how we will ask questions of investigation, how we measure noise, and then how we badyze the data. "

Tags: NASA, silent technology

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