With the United States, those who support the Iranian nuclear agreement meet in Vienna


Leading Iranian diplomats and five world powers met today in Vienna to define the steps to be taken to preserve the nuclear deal with Tehran after the withdrawal of the United States.

Today 's meeting between Iran, Germany and Great Britain France, Russia and China will consider proposals to save the agreement of 2015, known as the Common Global Action Plan, which aims to prevent Tehran from developing nuclear weapons.

Arrived in Vienna, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the agreement was critical, and that the signatory states would send a "united, determined and strong signal" that they were there. were engaged despite the decision of US President Donald Trump in May to withdraw US support.

"If this treaty can not be supported then it does not only harm the interests of Iran, it also harms peace in the Middle East and the credibility of the international world order" , said Wang.

Trump said that he was unilaterally pulling This deal was negotiated by his predecessor because he felt that it was not solid enough and did not cover any amount of money. Other areas of concern for the United States and its allies, such as Iran's military influence in the Middle East and a ballistic missile program.The Iranian economy is already suffering sanctions imposed by Washington after having withdrawn from the nuclear deal, and the United States has threatened to punish companies from other countries that continue to do business with Iran.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas, acknowledged that the signatory countries would not be able to compensate er fully Iran for business losses, but indicated that it would advise companies who wish to continue investing. disadvantages. "

"We want to make it clear to Iran today that it still has economic benefits from this deal," Maas told reporters. "Above all, we will try to create the conditions for that."

Maas said that he hoped the negotiations would continue after the talks today, which were convened at the request of Iran.

"We make an offer which, in our opinion, is also attractive to Iran". "We want this agreement to be maintained in the future."
Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani said yesterday, during an appeal to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, that "Iran was dealing with economic problems and banking and oil problems" and that the foreign companies were "skeptical". He said that up to now, the proposed package of incentives to Iran was "disappointing", and that it "lacked an operational solution and". a specific method for cooperation, "said the Iranian semi-official news agency Mehr. "

Rouhani expressed the hope, however, that diplomats would be able to make progress."

"If the process of the meeting of the European Foreign Ministers in Vienna, which aims In encouraging Iran to cooperate, it is promising, we will continue our cooperation," he said.

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