Women in Jamia Millia University hostels must follow a set of rules that do not apply to men


Jamia Millia Islamia University authorities extended the deadline for girls' homes to 9:00 pm from 10:30 pm and also banned girls from participating in the diktat protests. According to a report on The Indian Express the deadline to return to the hostel was extended to 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm from 8 pm following protests from university students in March of this year.

The Indian Express a university spokesman, said that they had made the decision following complaints from parents of these adult students. "The curfew time is very generous at 9pm, it is much more relaxed than in other girls hostels like at Indraprastha College (IP) and Lady Shri Ram College for Women.If some students do not want to restrictions, they are free to seek The rule of release after the event was a possibility to put a cap on it, "said the spokesman.

In March of this year, several students of Jamia Millia protested by asking for an extension of the time of the hostel. Quint reported, following a demonstration of one week, that the university postponed the deadline to 22:30. One of the protesters had then declared on the website that if the deadline had been pushed back, there was no more food in the hostel after 10 pm, which was very unpleasant for the women .

A new circular is available on the Jamia Millia website. rules that women residing in university homes must follow. Among other elaborate processes to obtain permissions from guards, the circular clearly states that no woman will be allowed inside the hostel after 9 pm. If a woman takes a "leave" stating that she is going to travel in the National Capital Region, she will not be allowed to leave after 9 pm and enter the hostel before 6 am. If a resident interrupts her leave and wants to return, she must first obtain permission from the director.

One of the circular's rules says: "The absence of the hostel without permission and staying at an unauthorized destination will be considered a violation of the hostel's bylaw and will result in the cancellation of the seat of the hostel with immediate effect.

Compared to the Residential School Discipline Manual in eleven points for women published for 2018-2019, the Boys Hostel has been in effect since 2017 The deadline for the boy's hostel is 22 hours. Unlike the hostel, where women will not be allowed to enter after 9pm, the rules of the hostel state that if a man returns after the deadline, he must simply indicate the time of arrival in the register of hostels and explain the reason. for arriving late. There is no need to inform the authorities before coming back late.

The rules of the hostel stipulate that the guardian of the hostel must be present between 21 and 21 h 30 in the hostel, there is no rule for men .

In fact, the striking difference in the way men and women are treated in their respective homes at Jamia Millia is clear from the number of rules imposed on them. For the girls' hostel, the rules extend to 11 points, for the men's hostel, there are only 5 points.

If female students living in Jamia homes must take a "leave in the station", the hostel will copy a flight ticket or train to the guardian while requesting permission. "Residents who leave the hostel must present a copy of the plane / train ticket, they must leave the campus before 9:00 pm. In case the departure of their train / flight is late in the night, they must leave after 21:00, it is advisable to inform the director, "says the manual.

The hostel's manual of the boy asks residents to ask permission on the" prescribed form " The manual does not indicate whether men will be required to provide proof of travel as requested by the women's hostels.

The Women's Hostel Manual states that residents will be allowed to stay outside on weekends and Academic vacations only at places approved by parents – local tutors, ie they must submit a document in which the student's parents have attested that they will remain at a certain place, and the coordinates of the place must be provided are at the university. Apart from that, the manual also issues a strict warning against falsification of signatures, something that is completely missing in the manual of the men's hostels.

Indian Express reports that apart from the new rules developed, the Inn also requires residents to sign an undertaking that states the following: "I will not engage in any protest or campaign of signatures against the rules, regulations or the schedule of the inn. "

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