Women's World Hockey Cup: India confronts Italy in playoffs


Backed by the draw against the mighty United States, the Indian women's hockey team looks forward to its chances against Italy, ranked lower, during the World Cup match. cross-over in London on Tuesday

. Italy will be Italy's favorite in 17th-place playoffs, where a win will oppose Ireland in the quarter-finals on Thursday.

While India had to fight its way into the playoff round of Pool B After recording two draws against England and the United States and a defeat against Ireland , Italy easily escaped China (3-0) and Korea (1-0) before falling from 1 to 12 against the Netherlands. Pool A.

But in Tuesday's game, the momentum would surely be on the side of India and it would also be difficult for Italy to bounce back after the defeat against the Dutch, who has upset the morale

. On the other hand, produced a fiery perform The United States have managed to get out of a difficult situation and save their World Cup campaign.

Having cashed a goal in the 11th minute against the United States, India's back was against the wall. skipper Rani Rampal in the 31st minute to secure the important draw, a result that closed the doors to the Americans.

The match would come as an additional motivation for the Indians as a win tomorrow would give them the opportunity to vengeance their 0-1 defeat against Ireland in the hen phase

The experienced captain of the India, Rani, knows what it takes to win such crucial matches and says that they have to go full throttle.

"We have to focus on ourselves, build on our strength and make sure we use our positives in the match against Italy.There is no doubt that we have to go all out in this match crucially crucial if we want to see us in the quarterfinals, "said Rani whose goal against the United States allows India to finish third in Pool B.

the need to have a winning mentality to succeed in major tournaments.

"We all knew that a draw would be enough, but we wanted to go for the win.I think the attitude of the hungry to win helped us.We are entering a match with the l & # 39; attitude that if we play a good game then the crowds will support us and we have to fight for the ball.I am proud of how the team played against the United States and now we have to do everything that we can to win against Italy, "she said.

Despite Italy's 12-1 draw against the Netherlands in their last match, the Indian captain warned his team against complacency, saying the Italians are a serious contender .

Indians would also inspire their Italian win at the 2015 World Hockey League semi-finals

"Italy is a good team and it has also benefited from this tournament. But we have to go into the game with the belief that we can beat them, "said Rani.

The match will start at 22:30 IST.

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