World UFO Day 2018: A day to celebrate the possibility of extraterrestrial neighbors (Photos, video)


  UFO [19659002] World UFO Day, observed every year on July 2nd, announces a new beginning Image Representative Creative Commons

Do you believe that we are not alone in this entire universe? Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life? , although we have no tangible evidence that can prove the existence of extraterrestrials, several unexplained cases up to now continue to raise many questions that have left many people wondering the existence of life outside our planet.

to have extraterrestrial neighbors, the World Day of UFOs, celebrated every year on July 2, announces a new start.The subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials is still the one that leads to in-depth debates, or even to heated debates in some cases. Haktan Akdogan, a UFO hunter, had begun tradition of observing the World UFO Day in 2001 so that Earthlings take a moment and think about the issue – and if we do not are not we alone?

There are many reasons why this day has emerged as the first reason to raise awareness about the existence of UFOs or even intelligent beings from space. In addition, this day is used to encourage governments to downgrade their knowledge of observations throughout history. "Many governments, the US government, for example, would have obtained proprietary information on UFOs through their military departments," says

The World Organization of UFOs (WUFODO) hopes to witness a future the public will be able to talk openly about aliens and UFOs without speculation. In advance of the day, the WUFODO has published on the site a set of UFO images, which the organization believes that they are definite proof of an extraterrestrial existence [19659005] Here are some of them.


UFO in sky?





Among the images, there is "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken". It features a probable flying saucer over Mount Washington, USA and the photo was taken in the year of 1870.


Another of the collection is an image that is claimed to be from a flying saucer interrogating on Cave Junction, Oregon


Just After the UFO Day 2018, which is July 2, the American city of Roswell, New Mexico is going to host the UFO Festival. It will start on July 6 and will continue until July 8. UFO hunters believe that a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and that this incident raises many doubts so far.

What's in July?

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