WWE could build a massive feud for Becky Lynch

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Becky Lynch has more to offer the WWE than a battle with Lacey Evans.

Credit: WWE.com

Becky Lynch has Already writes history at WWE WrestleMania 35 when she became the first and only superstar to win a major event at WrestleMania and as other major projects announce for "The Man." "

The & nbsp; . PWMania ) reported in February that WWE had planned to play Lynch against Stephanie McMahon at SummerSlam 2019 and that PWMania had added this week you can expect that "keep getting involved in Lynch's business because the WWE's creative team still intends to argue after WrestleMania. "

No surprise here: Stephanie, along with the rest of the McMahon family, will likely continue to be the focus of Lynch's current story as a new resident anti-hero of the WWE.

So f In fact, Lynch had to face Stephanie, Vince McMahon and Triple H during her quest to reach the pinnacle of professional wrestling, and because WWE will not make a match as big as this one between Lynch and HHH The obvious conclusion is that all the recent events involving Lynch, Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair and, to a lesser extent, Stephanie were supposed to set the stage for Lynch against Stephanie at a "Big Four" pay-per-view. One is surprised – because you should not be.

The WWE, apparently, now considers Lynch and not Flair or Rousey as the chosen chosen, "" & nbsp; aka the face of society, but one could argue that the real face WWE Women is, like it or not, Stephanie McMahon. It's certainly not a coincidence, after all, that every time the WWE Women's Division "goes down in history," Stephanie must be involved in one way or another. This remained true for the announcements of the Royal Chamber's first games of rumble and elimination, as well as for the very first fully paid edition on TV, Evolution, with Stephanie at the center of all these highlights.

Also, Stephanie's quarrel with Rousey for WrestleMania 34 was less about convincing the former UFC Champion to have a new audience and more about making Stephanie the most visible star in WWE. The Wrestling Observer (h / t GiveMeSport ) announced last year that the intent of the WrestleMania quarrel between Stephanie and Rousey was to make Stephanie a more prominent name in the mainstream :

A report by Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter suggests that WWE has also called on Rousey to help turn Stephanie McMahon into a public star … The report says Stephanie McMahon is a big name in professional fight, but this does not resonate in the traditional world. The goal of WWE is to do something for Stephanie, as Mike Tyson did for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Tyson's involvement in WrestleMania has helped Austin become the dominant figure he is today. Then Austin helped McMahon become a household name during their quarrel. The company would like something like this to happen for Stephanie using Rousey.

Mission accomplished? Not necessarily. But WWE, obsessed with Stephanie's incorporation into the most important female category of the moment, will continue to do her best to make Stephanie the most talked about star of the women.

At this time, this honor clearly belongs to Lynch, the star who became so popular in the past year that she surpbaded both John Cena and Roman Reigns & nbsp; she is on the verge of becoming the first merchandise seller of WWE and imposing herself in the main event of WrestleMania. A year ago, Rousey was the most popular female star in the WWE. So it's no coincidence that she's been fighting with Stephanie en route to WrestleMania 34, just as it's no coincidence that WWE has planted more than just a few seeds for Lynch against Stephanie in the near future.

And according to your questions, Lynch against Stephanie is a very big deal.

On one side, there are fans who are tired of seeing anything. Members of the McMahon family are in the limelight and believe that their frequent appearances in WWE programs have diminished their importance. On the other hand, there are fans who believe that when a star quarrels with a McMahon at the pay-per-view television station, it's a testament to how WWE officials give great importance to this star. This former group would probably also agree with those who say that Stephanie simply wants the "congress to be badociated with the most popular act of the WWE."

Whatever your view on this argument, it is Lynch, who is probably arguing with Lacey Evans as a fictional rivalry, will continue to take a leading role in the future, especially if she confronts Stephanie at SummerSlam or another big pay-per-view.

Lynch, who is clearly a top priority for WWE if she quarrels with her boss, could be much worse than dealing with pay-per-view TV with Stephanie. 19659004] Blake Oestriecher is a primary school, day teacher and night sports writer, and contributed to & nbsp; @ForbesSports where he mainly covered WWE. follow on Twitter & nbsp; @BOestriecher .


WWE reserves more for Becky Lynch than enmity with Lacey Evans

Credit: WWE .com

Becky Lynch has already made WWE WrestleMania 35 history by becoming the the first and only superstar to win a major WrestleMania event More great projects await us for "The Man."

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter (PWMania) reported in February that WWE had planned to play Lynch versus Stephanie McMahon at SummerSlam 2019, and that PWMania added this week that "you can expect Stephanie to continue to get involved in business as the creative WWE team still has plans for them to quarrel after WrestleMania. "

No surprise here: Stephanie, along with the rest of the McMahon family, will likely continue to be at the center of Lynch's story as a new WWE resident, -hero.

Up Now, Lynch has had to face Stephanie, Vince McMahon and Triple H in his quest to achieve the pinnacle of professional wrestling, and because the WWE will not make a gender match. A scale comparable to that of a match between Lynch and HHH, the obvious conclusion is that all recent events involving Lynch, Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair and, to a lesser extent, Stephanie were supposed to set the stage for Lynch vs. Stephanie to a "Big Four" à la carte Someone is surprised "Because you should not be."

Apparently, the WWE now considers Lynch, and not Flair or Rousey, as " "elected", that is to say the face of society, but one could argue that the true The female face of WWE is, so be it. no, Stephanie McMahon. It's certainly not a coincidence, after all, that every time the WWE Women's Division makes history, Stephanie must be involved in one way or another. This remained true for the announcements of the Royal Chamber's first rumble and elimination matches, as well as for the first-ever all-women's show, Evolution, with Stephanie at the center of all those defining moments.

WrestleMania 34's quarrel between Stephanie and Rousey was actually less about convincing the former UFC champion to be heard by a new audience and more about making Stephanie the most visible star in WWE. The Wrestling Observer (GiveMeSport) reported last year that the intent of WrestleMania's quarrel between Stephanie and Rousey was to make Stephanie a more prominent name in the mainstream:

Dave's report Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter suggests that WWE also Rousey helped turn Stephanie McMahon into a public star … The report notes that Stephanie McMahon is a big name in professional wrestling, but that does not resonate in the traditional world . The goal of WWE is to do something for Stephanie, as Mike Tyson did for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Tyson's involvement in WrestleMania has helped Austin become the dominant figure he is today. Then Austin helped McMahon become a household name during their quarrel. The company would like something like this to happen for Stephanie using Rousey.

Mission accomplished? Not necessarily. But WWE, obsessed with Stephanie's incorporation into the most important female category of the moment, will continue to do her best to make Stephanie the most talked about star of the women.

Right now, this honor is clearly coming back to Lynch, the star who has become so popular over the past year that she surpbaded both John Cena and Roman Reigns to become the first merchandise seller of the WWE and win by force in the main event of WrestleMania. A year ago, Rousey was the most popular female star in the WWE. So it's no coincidence that she's been fighting with Stephanie en route to WrestleMania 34, just as it's no coincidence that WWE has planted more than just a few seeds for Lynch against Stephanie in the near future.

And according to your questions, Lynch against Stephanie is a very big deal.

On one side, there are fans who are tired of seeing anything. Members of the McMahon family are in the limelight and believe that their frequent appearances in WWE programs have diminished their importance. On the other hand, there are fans who believe that when a star quarrels with a McMahon at the pay-per-view television station, it's a testament to how WWE officials give great importance to this star. This former group would probably also agree with those who say that Stephanie simply wants to "scrub" at the most popular act of the WWE.

Regardless of your position in this argument, it is difficult to disagree with Lynch, who is It is likely that the rivalry between Lacey Evans and his rival of space will continue to put him in a prime role plan, especially if she faces Stephanie at SummerSlam or another great pay-per-view program.

Although there are certainly better things Lynch, which is clearly a top priority for WWE if she quarrels with her boss, could be a lot worse than dealing with pay-per-view TV; which could become much worse.

Blake Oestriecher is a day school elementary school teacher and night sports writer. He contributed to @ForbesSports where he mainly covers the WWE. You can follow him on Twitter @BOestriecher .

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