WWE Crown Jewel: Game Ratings, Fallout, Success, Failure, Next Steps | WWE


Much to the chagrin of many, WWE returned for their second trip to Saudi Arabia at Crown Jewel.

A map containing too many matches highlighted by a single booking in the last three games of the series was our conclusion. with.

Here are the notes of the matches and a recap of Steven Muehlhausen of SN. Rusev

Muehlhausen: A final second part was added to the US Championship show. Building a program between the two would have kept Rusev's momentum as a babyface and that Nakamura is growing in heel.

The match went well. Nothing special. Rusev and Nakamura deserve better than fighting for the American title before the show.

I liked Rusev's creative end when Nakamura had acceded to Accolade and that former heavyweight champion IWGP had escaped from taking by "accidentally". Rusev's blow in the lower region then touched Kinshasa to win the final victory to retain the US title.

Status: C

Next Steps: Nakamura travels to the Survivor Series to face Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins in what should be an outstanding match. : This was a first round match of the World Cup between the former rivals. In an evening where two guys will play three games, expect quick clashes in the first two rounds.

Mysterio and Orton have managed to get rid of all the bonuses in a short time, to the delight of the spectators. . Orton picked up the RKO and Mysterio turned it into a pinned combination for the one-two-three to qualify for the semifinals. After the match, Orton attacked Mysterio and hit an RKO. He then threw him out of the ring and sent him face to the ads office.

Nice game considering its brevity. The post-match angle sparked the plot of whether Mysterio will be able to fight in the semifinals and if he does, in what form will he be.

Rank: C

Jeff Hardy vs. The Miz

Muehlhausen: Another first round match in the World Cup. Miz is an excellent heel, but starting with a head shot was a horror. The crowd was really in there. Hardy is so flawless in the ring, but he must stop using the Whisper in the Wind because he never connects to the movement and grazes his opponent with one foot.

I was a fan of the arrival sequence since Miz was trying to find a pin with his foot on the ropes, but the referee saw him. Hardy tried for his own cradle, but Miz fired. Hardy tried for a Twist of Fate, but Miz reversed it into a crushing Skull final to allow the pin to qualify for the semi-finals against Mysterio.

I am shocked that Miz has liberated herself. He should have cheated to win in a tournament. This ultimately makes Hardy weak.

Grade: C-

Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley

Muehlhausen: The first game on the raw side of the World Cup. I liked seeing this side of Lashley. He desperately needed to rely on the use of power movements, a medium trend and an irreproachable attitude. The addition of Lio Rush as a personal hype has really added something to the character. CharLashley

Lashely was dominated until he throws a spear into the corner curtain, being missed and Rollins strikes the Curb Stomp for the pin to advance to the semifinals. winner of the fight Kurt Angle-Dolph Ziggler.

I hope this is a sign of good things to come for Lashley.

Grade: C

Kurt Angle vs. Dolph Ziggler

Muehlhausen: Surprised not to see much of a braggart returning for the first singles game since returning to the WWE last year.

We got the best match of the tournament so far. Some good wrestling techniques and we had the opportunity to see the iconic spots of Angle: The three consecutive German suplexes, the Slam Angle and the Angle Lock. I do not understand why Angle had Ziggler in the Angle Lock for so long. This made it all too obvious that he would win the match and that is exactly what happened after being released from the hold and making contact with the Zig-Zag.

The match was also hard to watch. Angle is very still and Ziggler did his best to carry the match. I do not understand why Angle has to go to Saudi Arabia to get him lost in the first round. I've seen enough Ziggler and Rollins games in the last three months.

Rank: C +

The bar against the new day

Muehlhausen: This is not the best match between the first two teams in the WWE, but fun anyway. We saw the usual spots and a unique one when Big E had Sheamus in a powerbomb position and Kofi Kingston took a double step that drove the Irish superstar to the mat.

The end of the match came when Big Show came on the apron to distract the referee, who avoided a Sheamus Kick Brogue. Big Show hits Big E with the knockout and Sheamus hits Brogue Kick for The Bar to retain the team titles.

I always try to understand why Big Show is with Sheamus and Cesaro. It does not add anything to the team in the least. Hope that a new team emerges. You can only stay with New Day and The Usos for so long without the division being out of date.

Grade: C

Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz

Muehlhausen: An interesting game that took a few minutes to unfold and surprised Miz to qualify for the final in a good match.

You must recognize that Mysterio is in such good shape at age 43 and that he does not run out of time. Although Miz is never confused with Ric Flair, his way of moving and executing his skills begins to grow on me.

Mysterio seemed to have the game in hand after the 619 and go to the highest rope for custom. Splash, but Miz raised her knees and blocked Mysterio.

Not a good match, but good for what it was until the end. I could have found something better.

Grade: C

Seth Rollins against Dolph Ziggler

Muehlhausen: Best match of the series at this stage. Rollins and Ziggler have good chemistry inside the ring because they tell good stories.

I like McIntyre's use of not hitting him very early, even though Rollins was doing his best so that he would do it in order to get his. disqualified partner. Rollins is doing well by selling the neck and making the center of the match against Lashley. Ziggler used headbands and DDT, while Rollins could not even use his patented loop bomb to drive the neck down. We have seen a series of cool pinning combinations with Rollins and Ziggler reversing different cradles to result in nearby falls.

The end came when Rollins hit McIntrye outside the ring and headed for the top rope. Ziggler tried to climb and Rollins pushed him away. Ziggler faked an ankle injury to help McIntrye push back Rollins. Ziggler took the opportunity to win the final and qualify for the final.

It's not their best game, but it's still a good match. Shocked to see two heels being paired in the final. Really planned to see Rollins vs Mysterio.

Grade: B-

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Muehlhausen: Whatever the quality of Styles and Joe combined, it was difficult to argue for a match that had been in the game since that Daniel Bryan had been placed in this position.

The crowd walks away a bit halfway, fascinated by something going on in the stands. Nevertheless, Styles was up to now the largest number of WWE Superstars in the series.

Unfortunately, the finish was won in advance. Even when Joe blocked the cover of the Coquinta, he did not feel like asking Styles to exploit. The styles reversed the wedge in the calf crusher, but Joe stayed on the ropes. Moments later, Styles took the phenomenal forearm to win and retain the WWE title.

I know the match seems to be going well but the match was good, the best of the series so far.

Grade: B

Next Steps: Styles vs. World Championship Champion Survivor Series

Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman

Muehlhausen: A pure squash and A suprise.

The match did not even begin when Acting General Manager Baron Corbin hit Strowman with the belt to allow Lesnar to hit the F5, but "The Monster Among Men" kicked. outside. Lesnar hit two more F5s and one on the outside, but Strowman survived.

Strowman won his first universal title when he shot a boot. However, hit an extra F5 for all three to become the first double universal champion.

Many people are not going to be happy with the decision, but it's the one that makes the most sense.

Nobody knows how long Roman Reigns will remain after revealing nearly two weeks that his leukemia had resurfaced. Lesnar is the biggest attraction of the WWE and the guy he chose must be the one who will run the company.

Status: D

Next step: Lesnar will face WWE Champion AJ Styles at the Survivor Series. If it's a bit like what we saw last year during the match, it should be a clbadic.

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Muehlhausen: McIntyre was immediately sent back to the back by the referee. Even before the match started, Miz seemed to hurt his ankle. The referee was going to declare the winner of the ring declared winner, but the general manager of Smackdown, Shane McMahon, is inserted into the match.

McMahon hit a nice DDT and Ziggler sold the catapult to a million dollars. McMahon hit the dropkick from one ocean to the other to win the World Cup.

McMahon is laughed at his victory. You can see that it was with the absurd celebration. As soon as Rollins and Mysterio lost, it became obvious that something was happening … and not in a good way. What a waste of time. It looked like a cruel joke that was being played on everyone and that's a pity. The concept had the potential to be fun, but, in typical WWE fashion, they did not care.

Grade: F

Next Steps: Imagine a sort of playoff game in the Survivor series featuring McMahon and Corbin.

Shawn Michaels and Triple H vs. The Undertaker and Kane

Muehlhausen: There is nothing wrong with that seeing a nostalgia match head-to-head. Seeing three men in their fifties (Michaels, Undertaker and Kane), a 49-year-old man (Triple H) and well beyond their bonuses, is a difficult watch and it's no different.

Triple H, Undertaker and Kane looked old and slowed the whole game. Michaels definitely looked like a guy who had not struggled for eight years. He had some glimpses of the ancient "HBK", but he was at best methodical.

Between Triple H and Kane, then Triple H and The Undertaker on the outside, there were difficult moments that would not have happened ten years ago. While in theory, the moon on the outside of Michaels on Kane and Undertaker would be a good one, she was useless because she brushed past the Brothers of Destruction and hurt Michaels more than anyone when he landed on his head.

Kane and Undertaker went to get Tombstone Pildrivers when Michaels cast his eyes on Kane's eyes and hit superkicks on Undertaker and Kane. Triple H hit one of the worst pedigrees of all time on Kane to win the victory and happily ended the match.

The match lasted 20 minutes too much. There is really no reason for this match to go nearly 30 minutes while the time could have been allocated to a World Cup match or AJ Styles-Samoa Joe match.

Wrestling fans want to remember their favorites in a positive way. Seeing it made it difficult to feel that. If Michaels did not carry the load, it could have been much worse than actually

Grade: D-

Next step: I hope the four men will take their retirement. Unfortunately, we are likely to witness a final match between The Undertaker and Michaels and Triple H to face Batista due to their recent interaction on Smackdown 1000.

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