Arm weakened target
Sasha now has the top of the head and puts Ronda kneeling in the back to take a grip.
Kneeling at the corner of the quadruple women's champion. Two counts of indictment.
"Let's Go Ronda" and "Let's Go Sasha" Sing in a Duel
Rousey's elbow and hip shot, met by a boot, which run his elbow through Ronda. Banks takes it to two.
Banks targets his left arm, his dagger in the back, his intelligent psychology. Good match for the moment.
Piper's Pit crashed into an armband! Banks pulls on his fingers and folds his wrist back while holding the hold!
Ronda escapes, but is stuck in the bank statement! Ronda manages to lift her and hits Piper's Pit.
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