WWE SmackDown Results, February 12, 2019, The Latest SmackDown Live Winners and Video Clips


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Feb 13, 2019, 08:50 AM IST


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Email [19659013] The crowd was not on Charlotte's side after the sudden change of plans "src =" https://statics.sportskeeda.com/editor/2019/02/76240-15500263745939- 500.jpg "/>   The crowd was not on Charlotte's side after the sudden change of plans

The crowd was not on Charlotte's side after the sudden change of plans [19659016] Charlotte Flair launched SmackDown on a mixed response from the crowd after a recap of last night's proceedings.Charlie told us that she had not been chosen by Mr. McMahon because she was her favorite but because she was a winner, she swore that the same crowd that would hoist her would say to her: "That's awesome" at WrestleMania. A crowd chanted "you s * ck" but Charlotte shrugged before showing the WrestleMania sign and moving away.

The first game of the night was a three-man showdown between Carmella & Naomi teams, Mandy Rose & Sonya DeVille, and the IIconics

Carmella & Naomi vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya DeVille vs. the IIconics

  Mandy Rose & Sonya DeVille will join Bayley & Sasha Banks to create the Female Elimination Chamber
Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille will join Bayley & Sasha Banks to create the women's elimination room

Carmella kicked off the match with Royce, but she quickly scored Mandy Rose. Carmella and Naomi doubled Mandy before focusing on DeVille. Naomi was looking for a label and before she could, Mandy Rose knocked her out with an elbow. She took the time to drag DeVille to her corner, not realizing that Naomi had immediately risen.

Rose and Naomi identified at the same time. Naomi attacked Rose and threw DeVille out of the ring, allowing Carmella to knock her over. Naomi hit her finisher and pinned Rose, getting the win.

Result: Carmella & Naomi def. Mandy Rose & Naomi and The IIconics

The IIconics attacked the winning duo from behind after the match.

It was officially announced that Mustafa Ali was not medically competitive and a member of The New Day will replace him in the interior of the elimination chamber.

Next, a special episode of MizTV with the Usos as special guests.

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