Yes, the bank will decide the president's choices at the December 13th board meeting


  The Yes Bank Board of Directors will recommend the approval of its chairman to the Reserve Bank of India. Photo: Bloomberg "title =" The Yes Bank Board of Directors will recommend the approval of its chairman to the Reserve Bank of India. Photo: Bloomberg "clbad =" img-responsive "/> 

<p> The Yes Bank board of directors will recommend to its chairman to choose his reserve at the Reserve Bank of India Photo: Bloomberg </p>
<p><b>  New Delhi : </b> Yes Bank Ltd, at its December 13th board meeting, it will recommend the names of the president positions at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as well as the appointment of directors The private sector lender, grappling with governance and NPA issues, has resigned from three independent directors, including President Ashok Chawla </p>
<p>  In a regulatory document, the bank announced that the nominating and Compensation of its board of directors and the board of directors were to meet on December 13. nominations of independent directors and recommendation of names for the post of president at the bank ce ntrale. </p>
<p>  Yes, the bank also recalled that she was on track to find a successor to Rana Kapoor, general manager the signatures of the three board members will have no impact on the plan of succession. </p>
<p>  Presidents Ashok Chawla, Vasant Gujarathi and Rentala Chandrashekhar left the bank for various reasons, including governance. </p>
<p>  The Prakash Agarwal Board of Directors is currently composed of seven members. </p>
<p>  The Bank's Research and Selection Committee and NRC are scheduled to meet on December 12th to review the list of finalist nominees for the appointment of the new CEO. </p>
<p>  In September, RBI decided not to extend the term of CEO Rana Kapoor after January 31, 2019, and asked the bank to find a replacement. According to people familiar with the matter, the central did not want it to continue on this position due to the underreporting of bad debt as well as lax corporate governance. </p>
<p>  On Wednesday, the shares of Yes Bank fell 11.71% to 161.70 ₹. each on BSE even as the Senbad benchmark gained 0.57% to end the day at 35,716.95 points. </p>
<div clbad= First published: Wed, 28 Nov. 2018. 08 22:00 IST
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