You can send spoilers & # 39; Game of Thrones & # 39; and ruin your friendships for Rs 69. Really.


Imitating "Dracarys" of Daenerys Targaryen, a cruel Web site urges people to inflict pain (and perhaps even death) on their enemies by sending them revelers of the eighth season of Games of Trrones .

After seven seasons and only two days before the grand finale, fans of Game of Thrones walked with narrow ropes to avoid rubbing at the (albeit false) spoilers floating on the Web, who could possibly spoil the final date with their beloved characters.

As soon as season eight is broadcast, will send spoilers to your unsuspecting friends and enemies. All you have to do is provide the website with their phone numbers.
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This could be effective, especially in India, as the new episodes will air at 6:30 am on Monday, starting next.
The price of sending spoilers? Rs 69 and friendship.

"Ruin of Game of Thrones for your friends, automatically", reads the title of .

"Do your friends like Game of Thrones, but look at it after you're a terrible friend? Awesome!" The website says.

But will they know the culprit of such a deadly crime?

"For just $ 0.99 USD, Spoiled will anonymously and ruthlessly send messages to your unsuspecting friends after each new episode, and then sit back, relax and see your friends' responses," the site said.


The website also lists some questions and answers to dispel your doubts:

What happens after payment?

As soon as the next will broadcast shocking revelations on the number you enter.

Can I see the answers to the developers?

Yes! After ordering, we send you a link by e-mail so that you can view the answers to spoilers sent by SMS.

Why Does It Cost Money?

How will another Lannister pay his debts?

The website (application) has been open for more than three years, in case you're wondering. But what better way to send a friend, an enemy or an ex spoiler GoT and spend the rest of your life alone?

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