The latest Instagram post from Mira Rajput for husband Shahid Kapoor will really comfort you, especially the fans of the actor Kabir Singh . Mira and Shahid celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary Sunday and Mira wished him on social networks in a really adorable way, which we can not overcome. She took a journey in memory to find a picture of their wedding, in which one could see Shahid affectionately holding Mira's face. Wait, it's not that! Mira subtitled her message with a sweet note not to be missed. Sharing the photo, Mira wrote: "You make my world and me," and accompanied his message with a heart emoji and hashtag # happy4.
Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput were married in a highly guarded ceremony in Gurgaon, in the They are now the parents of a two-and-a-half year old daughter, Misha, and a son, Zain, who will be that age in September.
But first, take a look at Mira Rajput's latest birthday post,
Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput frequently share pictures of each other on social networks. On their special day, we hand-selected the best images they love, shared on Instagram. until there. Yes, yes, you can thank us later.
Earlier, in an interview with Times of India, Shahid Kapoor recalled his epic meeting with Mira and his father, Vikramaditya Rajput. "I was about to start shooting for Udta Punjab when I met Mira for the first time.I remember that I went to her home for the first time and that I was in the Tommy area, so I had a ponytail I remember getting out of the car in this avatar of the Mira Farm in Delhi His father came out to welcome his son-in-law He saw how well I was dressed and was surely thinking "God that my daughter is going to get married." He told me barely watched, then whispered, "Come inside" and he left, "he told the publication, she is this girl of about 20 years old who comes out of the college Lady Shri Ram and she would say to herself "What?" and when I told her that I was playing a character called Tommy, she said, "This is not the name of a guy, it's the name of a man." A dog, "reported Times Of India.
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