Young patients with inflammatory bowel disease


(NBC News) An increasing number of children with diseases formerly reserved for adults are diagnosed.

This includes inflammatory bowel disease and doctors do not really know what causes the increase in the number of cases. [19659004] For several years, 14-year-old John Bell has suffered from an extreme and painful form of inflammatory bowel disease called severe ulcerative pancolitis.

When the drugs did not help him, he and his family made the difficult decision to undergo surgical removal of his entire colon.

"I was stuck, I could not move, everything hurt," he says. Inflammatory bowel disease mainly affects adults, but doctors explain that the number of cases of children under 6 years of age has increased rapidly.

"We used to consider this to be very rare, but it is the fastest increase in terms of the overall incidence of the disease," says Dr. Shervin Rabizadeh .

Doctors suspect changes in the environment, such as a diet or an antibiotic. exposures, can alter microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Red flags for inflammatory bowel disease in children prevent all growth, as well as expected, as well as abdominal pain and intestinal disorders.

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