Your daily horoscope for Tuesday, July 31


You are in a sweet and sentimental atmosphere, perfect to enjoy the company of your loved ones. You are in a stimulating state of mind today, so cook comfort foods at home or find other ways to make yourself and your friends and family love you. Soon, you will have to go back to the business of your daily life, but today it is good to immerse yourself in a sweet and deep emotion.


May 21-June 21

Like most people around you, your feelings are all agitated today, and you feel vulnerable – but unlike some, you do not feel comfortable with it. really do not like this state of mind. You prefer sharp logic and an intelligent mind to soft, soggy emotions or pervasive and pervasive confusion. But maybe you should try to embrace your sentimental side, Gemini. What messages does your subconscious mind try to send you? Rejoice in your senses today and welcome your impressions


June 22-July 22

Spend time with the people you love best today or contact them by phone or e-mail if you can not be physically with them. Of course, you are very intuitive now, so it's as if you were together, even if you are really very far away. You have always been able to tune in the feelings, needs, and desires of your loved ones, Cancer, and now this skill is particularly strong.


July 23-August 22

Your mood might be a bit difficult today, because you're not sure how to handle the emotional ups and downs that you experience now. Any feeling of confusion or melancholy is disappearing, but your current tendency is to blow them up, which is not the most fun way to spend the day. Just try to stay calm, Leo. Be gentle with yourself and others.


August 23-September 22

Normally, you like to spend the day working, cleaning, organizing, or making sure otherwise that everything is in order in your life. But do not be hard on yourself today if your energy is low and you do not feel like concentrating. You might even feel confused, as if your goals were not clear. Do not fight against this feeling. Just accept it and wait for it to pbad


23 Sep-22 Oct

You're in a sweet mood today, and hang out with good friends and family sooth your soul. Do not let feelings of doubt and discouragement settle. Resolve yourself to stay happy and upbeat. Do not waste your time worrying about what will happen in the weeks or months to come. Trust that the universe will bring you everything you need to grow, improve and be happy – because it will!


Oct 23 – Nov 22

You are in an exceptionally devoted mood today, and there is no agenda hidden here. You sincerely want to help others, which is one of your natural strengths. Plus, you are even more intuitive than usual, so reach out to someone who needs good advice or a sympathetic ear. When you help someone, you create a good karma, the Scorpion.


November 23 – December 20

You want to greet the day with your usual excitement and optimism, but someone close to you is too emotional – – Or maybe you are the one who feels all agitated. It is now easy to get discouraged, especially if you feel confused about your goals or project that you are planning to undertake. Do not push yourself to be very focused or active today. Take your time and enjoy the imaginative ideas that come your way


December 21-January 19

You are always at work in your own projects, pushing yourself towards your own goals. But if you focus on your future, it's always a good idea, but it's also wise to spend time focusing on other people. Maybe a friend needs help today to build something or solve a personal problem. You are good at physical work and emotional counseling, and giving a hand will make you feel good.


January 20-February 18

You love people and you are a true humanitarian, but sometimes you stand apart from others. You may seem distant or even indifferent, although far from the truth. Today, go to your warm and loving side. Call or meet the people you care about most, and tell them you love them. This could be the beginning of a brand new, Aquarius. Be the person you hope to be for the rest of your life.


February 19 to March 20

Today marks the beginning of a new period of personal growth of a month – good luck! Set a goal, such as a project you would like to approach or a habit you would like to start or develop, and start working towards it. The next phase of lunar influence will be energetic, so set your goals now. Then enjoy the energy you will receive in a few days.

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