Your weekly horoscope: July 15th


  TAB STARS cancer-1563169143786


Aries from March 20 to April 19

You have no objection to change. In fact, when life is too predictable, you will create your own enthusiasm or find a new challenge. Ordinarily, it works. Now, however, you are invited to focus on the joys of life. Granted, it can mean waiting a bit. Nevertheless, what awaits you is as amazing as it is unexpected.

Taurus from April 20 to May 20

The changes caused by the two powerful eclipses caused by the two powerful eclipses of July 2 are unavoidable. they in an arrangement or a setting, they will appear only in another form. Do not let go of fate, today and in the days to come, it is by far the best strategy.

Gemini May 21 to June 20

At the present time, the border between an animated exchange of ideas as no one else take seriously, and the one that is crucial is not clear. And, in fact, one could quickly become the other. Knowing that even if you try to participate in a fantastic discussion, you'd better stick to the facts.

Cancer from June 21 to July 22

Planning in the future may be a virtue. But as you would have learned from the sudden reversals caused by the recent Cancer Lunar New Moon, there are certain periods of change. Even though things will not be as intense as last week, you will be aware that unexpected events could be a breakthrough if they are disguised.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Being a sign of anticipating fire, you rarely dwell on the past. Yet with your rule, the Sun having challenged both Saturn last week and more recently Pluto, an uncompromising man, you will have faced a host of challenging situations. Act quickly. But as the circumstances continue to change, consider any decision as provisional

Virgo from August 23 to September 22

Usually, when you do not know if your facts are accurate, you will say exactly that. But, as you know better and better, a recent acquaintance is not as much interested in accuracy or truthfulness as you are. Although you can not really talk about their character, you may be aware that their promises will not necessarily be reliable.

Balance September 23 – October 22

When you talk about changing some elements of your private or professional life, they seemed simple and you quickly moved from ideas to solid plans. Since then, changing circumstances have forced people to rethink, sometimes more than once.

Scorpio, Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Although it is impossible to get around the obstacles pointed out by the recent Saturn-Saturn clash with your leader Pluto, you've probably already figured out what you are confronted and those with whom you have discussed have offered valuable information. In fact, they will affect the crucial decisions of the next few days.

Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21

It would be easy to be wrong about the suddenness and range of obstacles you face. went wrong. However, you and the rest of the world face the challenges posed by the exceptionally delicate global activity of July. Strangely, even if it is disturbing in the short term, what you learn will prove extremely valuable.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 19

You can not plan the unexpected, in the form of events triggered by the powerful current Capricorn eclipsing the Full Moon, you can make sure that the arrangements are flexible enough to overcome the meanderings that come your way. Take this approach and you may even enjoy what is truly unexpected.

Aquarius From January 20 to February 17

The recent clashes may have been as surprising as they were unjust. However, you will still have to talk about all the issues involved. The problem is that others see things entirely from their point of view. Once you understand this and start asking questions, you will also find out how to solve problems and right the situation.

Pisces From February 18 to March 19

Some well-intentioned people warn you not to trust too much is to accept the optimistic advice or promises of others. Yet your instinct says that these things are not good, they are better than they seem. The solution? Examine your own ideas, plans and priorities, then proceed as you see fit. Doubts of others? Talk about it later.


Usually, the most important changes in life result from personal decisions. But those you will experience will come largely because of ideas, offers or even decisions made by others or possibly a benevolent destiny. While the promise of most will be clear right away, some of what is happening may seem like a disruption, maybe even a nuisance. Ironically, these seemingly disturbing events or, possibly, these offers will not only be exciting, they could change your life, and in a wonderful way.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Usually, you are the first to explore new ideas. However, making changes is another matter, something you want to do when and how you decide. However, since the current eclipse causes changes since the foundation, it is better to participate and react to changes as they occur.

Bull from April 20 to May 20

It will be neither simple nor direct. the week. Once you understand this, you can not confuse its many twists with real problems. Ironically, what is least expected and perhaps most disruptive at the moment could gradually become an exciting and rewarding part of your life. The secret? Explore absolutely everything that comes your way.

Gemini May 21 to June 20

When you made several promises or commitments, just a few days ago, you knew they would not be a problem. But with things changing so quickly and often dramatically, some things fail. Discuss remedies. Explore everything, but once you have chosen one, make sure that it is flexible enough to overcome the rest of these changes.

Cancer June 21 to July 22

Sometimes the period when the Mercury planet is retrograde is confusing, but nothing more. For the moment, however, you will have to deal with frequent and often troubling changes to existing plans. It's true, at first, it can be embarrbading, even disturbing. But your instinct correctly tells you that these are breakthroughs, even if they are disguised.

Leo July 23 to August 22

It's not that you wanted to deceive anyone, but rather that the situations were so complicated that you avoided facts considered unimportant. When you learn, not everyone agrees and you are challenged about what you mentioned and what you did not do. Do not waste time explaining. Please excuse yourself and move on.

Virgo From August 23 to September 22

As a hardworking Virgin, you learned long ago that not everyone cares about doing things like you. Fortunately, this rarely matters. But now that's the case. In fact, the success of some arrangements involves relying on others. Do not waste time worrying. Instead, get involved. So, you'll know what.

Libra from September 23 to October 22

The facts can be exactly that, the facts. But when the planet of ideas and discussions is retrograde, even information that seems reliable could prove much less reliable than expected.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

This week, you experience the turbulence caused by the two powerful eclipses of July 2. . Both accentuate the structure of your life, which means that you are already undertaking the changes you had in mind. Otherwise, you will be so worried that you will decide that the time has come to explore ways to initiate those changes yourself.

Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21

Being both keen and talented to win others over to your thinking, you will not think of confronting some individuals with their seemingly bizarre views. The resulting discussions would be interesting at other times, but they would now lead to clashes, some of a worrying intensity. For now, do not say anything.

Capricorn from December 22nd to January 19th

Difficult, if not sinister, that the obstacles caused by the confrontation of the Sun with your sovereign Saturn and Pluto, which is in Capricorn, may seem far away. the situation is about to make a breakthrough. But, often, it means giving up control in a way that you find almost impossible. Try anyway.

Aquarius from January 20 to February 17

Your intentions may have been good, but as you can see now, you are not aware of various crucial facts. For now, please excuse yourself for any annoyance caused, even if it was not wanted. Then start talking about what happened and where things went wrong. You will be amazed at how much you will learn about the situations and people involved.

Fish from February 18 to March 19

The optimistic discussions that have taken place recently have not been just information, but what you have learned has boosted your morale. These facts have provided you with ammunition for those who consider that what you are doing is unrealistic. Although you do not need their support to continue, it will do wonders to clarify your own thinking and also your plans for the future.

IF THIS IS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY (19659004) Although every sign is influenced by the mighty Full Moon eclipse, the fact that it happens on your birthday day indicates that you are finishing a cycle and start another. Although you may have already had a range of new ideas, options or changes of mind, there will inevitably be a variety of breakthroughs. It may be immediately recognizable or you may only notice those decisive points after the fact. The best approach is to explore and learn from everything and let destiny guide your decisions.

Aries March 20 – April 19

As a fire signal, you have a low boredom. This means you have a perfect command of fascinating tasks, challenges and events. If everything does not go well, you will often lose interest. Beware of doing it now. Things may be moving slowly, but the result will be exciting.

Taurus from April 20 to May 20

The influence of the powerful bonds that currently unite your own rule, Venus, and the often heavy planets of Saturn is unquestionable. and Pluto, the events that seem the least welcomed could be breakthroughs, even if they are disguised. Even if you try to fight the sudden events that trigger them, you will be surprised at the pleasures they bring.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

The meanders triggered by the July eclipses, the second of which has just unfolded, are as disturbing as they are exhilarating. For now, forget about long-term plans and focus on today, the week and possibly the coming month. What will be uncovered will lead to exciting but unexpected projects.

Cancer June 21 to July 22

If you did not manage to stand up to the unreasonable demands of some individuals when they first came forward. there is still time to talk about everything. They may not understand the impact of their claims or convince you to reconsider their position.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Between the current pair of eclipses that upset and the retrograde Mercury triggering the usual twists, surprises are inevitable. The most important thing to keep in mind is that while you are concerned about what's going on, it's not your responsibility. Remove quietly and leave the decisions to others.

Virgo From August 23 to September 22

During the exciting but often disturbed month of July, even the simplest plans are likely to change, probably many times, even dramatically. Even so, you will be tempted to organize things so that everything goes well. While this is understandable, you'd better keep things flexible enough to handle these changes.

Balance September 23 – October 22

Although the two powerful eclipses of the month of July unfolded a few days ago, you're still in trouble. They still feel their influence and in various ways. Although, often, the planned changes move forward more quickly, in other cases it has been recognized that some provisions need to be taken over, and nothing less.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Obviously, you prefer to evaluate problems. you are dealing in clear terms. But with so much in transition, what seemed like your best option recently will change like the circumstances. Certainly, making flexible plans can be a real challenge. However, once you're done, you'll be able to explore your options without worrying.

Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21

Being ruled by the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, you tend to be lucky, in minor and more major ways. For the moment, however, it seems that things have gone wrong and nothing works. Be patient. Much of what is happening opens the way to something new and wonderful.

Capricorn from December 22nd to January 19th

When you have kept some facts for the first time, you are not secretive. In fact, you thought they were confusing others. Even though it was true at the time, things have changed to the extent that they are now crucial. Talk about it openly and the sooner the better.

Aquarius from January 20 to February 17

Although each sign has been influenced by the two July eclipses, the second of which has just occurred, they will have been particularly disconcerting to you. Trying to tackle these problems, do not do it. Persist. What you learn will be surprisingly useful, now and more, as the future unfolds.

Fish from February 18 to March 19

The line of demarcation between sympathy when someone is struggling and getting carried away in his dramas is not always clear. Although, generally, it does not matter much, troubling events can undermine your self-confidence just when you need to be sure of yourself. The solution? Think carefully about who you are wearing and their attitude.

IF THIS IS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY (19659004) The question you ask in your birthday board is "What's and what's in my best interest?" fun, those that arouse romantic feelings or long-standing alliances. These are all important, but above all, there is no question of feeling the interest of spending time with others. Of course, often you can not choose the family. But even here, you can organize your time with others so that everyone benefits and benefits. You start by learning more about it, but you will benefit for the rest of your life.

Aries March 20 – April 19

It is worth remembering that, if the current global focus is on how and where you live and work, The ruling planet Mars highlights the joys of life . Yes, it means finding ways to balance both. And ideally every day. Impossible that it seems, concentrate on it.

Taurus from April 20 to May 20

In general, you are happy to let others live, love and believe what suits them. Having someone who tries to convince you of his or her way of doing things is another problem. Nevertheless, listen to what some people have to say. Their enthusiasm is sincere and, as you will discover, it will be surprisingly informative.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

It's tempting to discuss what's behind the decisions you make, especially for those who seem interested. it is risky. If some are really intrigued, others will try to challenge you point by point. Although such exchanges may be informative, for the moment it is unlikely. In reality, you will face serious clashes.

Cancer June 21 to July 22

Negative, it was necessary to rethink the plans altogether, it also prompted you to review other long-standing arrangements. It may seem that some people are waiting for your answer impatiently, but they are aware of the changes, in general, nothing more. Do not worry. As you will soon discover, they will be happy to accept the ideas you have in mind.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Obviously, it's hard to look at someone you care about with problems that you could easily help solve. But they made it clear that they wanted to manage them themselves, and they are right to do it. They will not only be proud of what they have accomplished, but they will also learn from this experience.

Virgo 23 August – 22 September

The time has come to take a hard stand with a particularly difficult individual. Generally, you can work around their unreliable nature or their tendency to make last-minute changes. But with the speed of things, you hope they will be more cooperative. It's unlikely. Count them or expect sudden changes.

Libra 23 September – 22 October

It is easy to blame Mercury for backsliding and the minor errors that result from having caused all the problems that arise. However, you and everyone else are going through a period of rapid change. Ironically, what you learn from the current confusion could explain a lot, if not allow you to solve several problems.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

You can be sure of your facts and, even more, believe your point of view are justified. However, with so many things in transition, the others will not be as up to date, or they will always think. This means that despite the presentation of the facts, they will not necessarily agree. The solution? Be patient.

Sagittarius from November 22nd to December 21st

While many complain about the typical errors of Mercury's retrograde cycle, you can often use seemingly troublesome problems to your advantage. For the moment, however, it is not so simple. If things do not get in place now, wait and watch. It will make sense by the end of July.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 19

A long time ago, you learned that being generous with others would inevitably bring you good in return. Nevertheless, you can not help but wonder how you could benefit from the obstacles you face and the difficult people you face. Be patient. And get ready for surprises.

Aquarius from January 20 to February 17

Those who are proud to defend their positions in disagreements have always been disconcerting. You would prefer to discuss the problems in question and learn from them. However, even you have a particular blind spot, and that is because events are getting worse. Face these problems and what you learn will transform your perspective.

Pisces From February 18 to March 19

Now you find yourself in this strange situation in which you are wary of the advice of others or offers of confidence. Judging by the powerful bonds between the Sun and Venus with your Neptune rule, things are better than you think. Do not rush. Move gradually and you will soon realize how good they are.

IF THIS IS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY (19659004) There is only one word that sums up your birthday theme, that's just one word. is "inspiration", it's up to you that you are inspired but also, doing things that elevate the minds of others. Even if you do it occasionally, focusing on such issues will alert you to your ability to give others a boost, sometimes just being cheerful, but just as much through your kind words and actions. Better yet, these inspiring feelings will be part of your life, and in a wonderful way.

Aries April 20 to 19

This week is a delicate one during a troubling but rewarding period of change. Not surprisingly, most people are comfortable, including you. The fact is that the fact of not being controlled by situations impossible to control does not give any results. As you deal with these issues, follow the movement and focus on what you can shape or rearrange.

Taurus from April 20 to May 20

Just when you thought that some lingering questions had been discussed and dealt with, the basis on which they are based means rethinking almost everything. The embarrbading thing in the short term, once you finish speaking, you will realize how much the discussions have changed and how much discussion is going on.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

When you committed Some long-term plans, a few weeks ago, the people involved were enthusiastic and the base seemed solid. Since then, however, many things have changed, including the ability of some people to continue as planned. Make the necessary changes now, even if it can be done easily.

Cancer June 21 to July 22

Just a few days ago, some people stuck would have said "no" to the plans or ideas you had in mind. Since then, however, between sudden changes in circumstances and your own point of view, the gap between your ideas and theirs has narrowed, to such an extent that it is unlikely that there have problems.

Leo July 23 – August 22 [19659004] Of course, you can not wait to fix some of the more difficult issues. However, with your rule the Sun and now the Mercury retrograde in the most reflective part of your chart, life is about looking at your options and taking no action. This moment will come and soon. In the meantime, learn as much as you can.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Obviously, you try to avoid making last-minute changes to some long-standing plans. However, this is not only inevitable, others are forced to recognize that things can not stay as they have been organized. That said, discuss it now, your goal being to come up with something that suits everyone.

Balance September 23 – October 22

As a Libra, you have an incredible sense of timing. This allows you to take advantage of useful ideas and problems avoided without going into tedious details. This talent will be particularly useful since, with so much transition, your instincts are much more reliable than irrefutable facts.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Ordinarily, when someone you know is wrong, you would not do it. hesitate to report their mistake. And usually, they thank you. But with so much in heaven, there is a lot of confusion here on earth. In this case, gently raise the issue, ideally in the form of a question.

Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21

You have met someone who is so stuck that, almost inevitably, the discussions result in heated debate. From your point of view, it's not a problem. But they are very serious about such discussions and could take to heart even the most flippant comments. Yes, it means handling them with caution, now and in the future.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 19

The trick to dealing with this complex month is to recognize that even the most carefully thought out arrangements are likely to continue. as expected. While obviously annoying, these unexpected changes could be much better than anything you've designed. Remember this, especially over the next ten days.

Aquarius from January 20 to February 17

You are the last person to criticize what they think or their values, even if they differ considerably from yours. Now, however, it is essential to stand up to a particular individual, simply because, by remaining silent, you would probably agree with you then, while you really do not agree.

Fish from February 18 to March 19

As a compbadionate fish, you can sometimes confuse the constant moans of others as an indication: they struggle to fight and need your help. The fact is that the individuals in question really like to complain and do it even when things are going well when in fact they should be helping others.


Your birthday theme has a theme of reflection, which means you will think a lot about what and especially who lifts the spirits but also to some individuals who will add some special magic to your life. To understand this will not be easy. Although you can try to discuss these feelings, you and others will go further and enjoy them more if you simply feel them. Moreover, because it emphasizes every part of your life, personal and otherwise, you will be amazed at what you learn and experience.

Aries March 20 – April 19

While everyone complains of the confusion caused by the retrograde cycle of Mercury, which lasts until August 1, it has its virtues. The first is that, in any case, there are so many things in transition that others will accept changes that they previously refused. Try it You will be amazed at the flexibility of their attitude.

Taurus from April 20 to May 20

Being secret is not your intention. However, with the speed of things, you thought it best to focus on the main changes and settle the rest later. The fact is that even the simplest arrangements will change, and change again. Knowing this, you can adopt a much more relaxed atmosphere.

Gemini May 21 to June 20

Many people think that they can not relax before the plans, present and future, are organized and everyone agrees. From your point of view, that only complicates things. Attempting to explain this would only make others worse. Accompany what they decide, knowing that changes are inevitable.

Cancer du 21 juin au 22 juillet

Lorsque la planète de la communication Mercury est rétrogradée le 7 juillet, elle se positionne sous l'un des angles les plus pratiques de votre graphique. . Maintenant, il se déplace, toujours rétrograde, dans Cancer. Bien que les événements soient troublants, ils vous obligeront également à discuter de certaines situations déplorables, franchement mais tout autant, du fond du cœur.

Leo 23 juillet – 22 août

Ordinairement, vous êtes très clair quant à votre la responsabilité et ce qui ne l'est pas. Mais une personne en particulier a le chic pour éviter de répondre à de telles questions et, pire encore, elle pourrait facilement déplacer le fardeau de certaines situations très délicates dans votre direction. Ce ne sont pas les vôtres. Fin de la discussion.

Vierge 23 août – 22 septembre

Vous pouvez vous plaindre des rebondissements provoqués par le cycle rétrograde de votre dirigeant Mercure. Le mouvement est inversé depuis le 7 juillet et durera près de deux semaines. Tandis que certaines erreurs seront irritantes, d'autres seront informatives. Et quelques-uns vont forcer la discussion sur des questions dont il est absolument nécessaire de s'occuper.

Balance 23 septembre – 22 octobre

Vous avez tendance à discuter de vos projets avec les personnes les plus proches de votre entourage avant de vous engager dans un plan ou un arrangement durable. Bien que vous ne voyiez pas toujours les choses de la même manière, vous pourrez toujours accepter de ne pas être d’accord. Maintenant, cependant, vous devrez peut-être adopter une position ferme, une position clairement en désaccord avec leurs points de vue.

Scorpion 23 octobre – 21 novembre

Bien que vous appréciiez un débat animé sur des sujets qui vous intéressent, méfiez-vous ce que vous dites et à qui. Avec la planète de la communication Mercury rétrograde et la confusion qui en résulte, ce qui commence par un échange d'idées ludique pourrait se transformer en un affrontement sérieux et avant que vous ne vous en rendiez compte.

Sagittaire du 22 novembre au 21 décembre

Attention à ne pas faire de promesses , même ceux qui semblent simples ou où les choses ne pourraient pas aller mal. Bien que, dans la plupart des cas, c’est le cas, la délicate activité planétaire actuelle est vouée à la confusion. Sachant que, quels que soient vos projets ou vos activités, badurez-vous que les arrangements peuvent être facilement modifiés, éventuellement plus d'une fois.

Capricorne du 22 décembre au 19 janvier

En tant que Capricorne, lorsque vous élaborez un plan ou faites une promesse à quelqu'un , vous ferez tout votre possible pour tenir votre parole. Et si des problèmes surgissent, vous en discuterez. Hélas, tout le monde n’est pas aussi consciencieux que vous êtes sur le point d’apprendre. Si vous sentez que certaines personnes ne sont pas fiables, soyez prudent. Ils le sont probablement.

Verseau du 20 janvier au 17 février

Se tenir debout peut montrer que vous vous souciez de quelque chose ou de quelqu'un, ou que vous souhaitez voir des changements d’arrangements qui ne vous satisfont pas. Même si les problèmes sont évidents pour vous, tout le monde ne comprendra pas, ce qui signifie que vous vous devez de détailler les vues qui sous-tendent vos actions.

Poissons du 18 février au 19 mars

Encore une fois, vous êtes dans une période au cours de laquelle vous avez du mal à faire pbader vos intérêts en premier. C'est en partie à cause de la culpabilité. Mais aussi, certaines personnes se sont habituées à compter sur vous. Si bien, en fait, que vous craignez ce qui arriverait s'ils étaient laissés à eux-mêmes.


Les mensonges blancs sont considérés comme un moyen aimable de dire quelque chose qui pourrait déranger d'autres. Cependant, selon votre tableau des anniversaires, ils ne feront qu’embrouiller les choses et pourraient, à terme, être source de confusion s’ils ne sont pas sérieusement contrariés. Néanmoins, vous pouvez craindre que le fait de dire la vérité ne provoque des problèmes. Certes, à court terme, il pourrait ébouriffer quelques plumes. Mais avec tant de choses en transition, vous feriez mieux d’être à la fois honnête et honnête, puis de dire à ces mensonges blancs et de s’inquiéter du moment où les faits seront connus. vous avez été secret. Ce n'est pas ton style. Au contraire, vous avez évité un certain nombre de problèmes parce que le fossé qui sépare vos points de vue de ceux des autres est si grand qu’il est impossible de parvenir à un accord. Au moins commencer à discuter de ces questions.

Taurus du 20 avril au 20 mai

Certaines personnes parlent d’idées qui ne sont pas simplement intrigantes, elles auraient un sens pratique. Pourtant, avec tant de choses en transition, vous êtes prudent. Vous êtes inquiet, ils seront balayés par les changements en cours. While it’s possible, these are fundamental to everybody’s plans, so are likely to survive all those twists and turns.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

If you’re into astrology, you’ll be aware that your ruler Mercury is retrograde. While the changes and errors this triggers can be disruptive, the outcome is often better than your original plans. But not everybody understands that. For now, let them grumble. You’re better of rethinking things once, but in early August.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Others are complaining about changes, but then make them and realise their benefits far outweighed any temporary disarray. Keep this in mind now, especially if certain individuals are manoeuvring to halt changes. While a certain amount of confusion is inevitable, the results will more than justify any chaos. It will pbad swiftly.

Leo July 23 – August 22

When you neglected to mention several issues, it was because they didn’t matter much. Since then, however, these have become increasingly important. What’s tricky is that they involve others, so should be discussed. Begin talking things over now and when the time to make decisions comes, you and everybody else, will be ready.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Certain individuals tend to be sloppy about organising plans, then blame others. While, in the past, you’ve attempted to discuss this, it’s achieved absolutely nothing. Nor will it in the future. There’s only one answer. It’s recognising that, when dealing with them, you’ll have to take care of all the details.

Libra September 23 – October 22

No matter how clear cut the facts seem and, similarly, however clear your own views are, try to avoid conflicts with others. With so much in transition, what seemed reliable information only recently is changing, and will again. The trick is to discuss various options but ensure arrangements are flexible.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

After months of being patient and weeks of discussion, and all sorts of promises, you’re beginning to wonder whether the arrangement or changes being discussed are going to happen. They will, but judging by the influence of July’s tricky planetary activity, things are unlikely to take place nearly as swiftly as you hoped.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

There’s no denying that it’s been a tricky time for everybody. While you’re usually able to turn even the most impossible situations around, your options are severely limited. Out of character as it is, take things slowly. Thursday’s stunning link between Mars and your ruler Jupiter marks a wonderful if surprising turn around.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

During periods of rapid and exciting developments but, also, unexpected twists and turns, you try to anticipate as much as you can. While, in one way, this is wise it could actually complicate matters. Plan but ensure those arrangements are flexible. You’ll soon realise how wise this approach is.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Sometimes obstacles are no more than that, difficulties to be surmounted. But those you’re currently facing are forcing you to educate yourself about certain matters or issues you’ve dismissed as being uninteresting or not really yours to deal with. Once you begin, you’ll realise how crucial these are.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

After a series of promising developments and, equally, the support of helpful people, you’ve felt optimistic about getting through this rather tricky period. Despite the worrying nature of these events, they’re prompting you to examine options that you’ve previously dismissed or were unaware of. Do so. You’ll be glad you did.


The focus in your birthday chart is on speaking your mind. As you can imagine, this is complicated by the range of issues you’re juggling with various individuals, some family, others friends or colleagues. While over the years things have gone smoothly, as least mostly, recent tensions have complicated matters. The trick is figuring out how best to approach each person, one by one. Your chart says that, rather than worry, you’re better off asking how they feel, and taking it from there. You’ll be surprised, and relieved, how well this works.

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