YouTuber Lilly Singh was released on Twitter and took advantage of the moment to bring up the Internet in full


In a nice move of "cunning", YouTuber and the best-selling author Lilly Singh came out as bibadual on Twitter. On February 24, Singh announced that she was "bibadual in color sic ]". But that's not what got him the resonance of his message with nearly 150,000 tweet-friendly users. She went on to say that these traits were once obstacles for her, but she now embraces them under the name of her superpowers . "Throughout my life, these obstacles have sometimes proved to be obstacles," Singh said in his tweet. "But now, I embrace them fully as my superpowers. No matter how many "boxes" you tick, I encourage you to do the same. "

Stop for a moment and listen to it, dear friends. And if the very things that society tells you to marginalize make you powerful? But not only powerful; super powerful. Singh says that being a strange colored woman was an obstacle, but now she is taking these obstacles and transforming them into what makes her incredible.

Race, baduality and gender identity are just some of the ways in which people can be oppressed or marginalized by those who hold more power in society, according to the Center's Counseling Center. the University of Syracuse; others include abilities, socio-economic status, age and religion. Some people could identify with several marginalized groups, according to the Syracuse University Counseling Center, and could be further marginalized because of their cross-identities, as Singh does as a woman of color.

When people are part of a marginalized group, the Syracuse University Counseling Center says they may feel they do not have voice, identity or even a place in society . But what Singh proposes in his tweet, is to return the script and tell you that instead of seeing you speechless because you are bibadual, you see yourself as a mighty beeyotch because that you are bibadual. . Internet certainly agrees with this idea, and they let Singh know that they were stubborn at the announcement of this announcement.

The Twitter user @TS_Cayman said, "I'm so proud of you, Lilly. You are so authentic and true to yourself. I am happy that you embrace all aspects of yourself and I hope you are happy. You deserve to be. I hope you realize how many people your [ sic ] empowers and inspires. I like you. "

Singh responded to all the love of the Internet with another tweet on February 25. She wrote:" Thank you very much for the love and positivity . Words can not describe what it means. I appreciate you all. Group hugging. "

There is certainly something to say about reformulating your way of thinking about something that might hurt you; According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking has proven health benefits. "Positive thinking does not mean you keep your head in the sand and ignore the less pleasant situations in life," says the Mayo Clinic. Inequality and oppression will always remain, but if you try to focus on what you can do to bring about positive change, the Mayo Clinic says your health will generally be better.

It's so cruel that Singh used his outgoing tweet opportunity to remind the world that everyone is handsome and powerful, no matter what his or her identity. No wonder she's calling Superwoman – she really deserves the title.

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