Zachary Levi: I underwent a physical transformation for Shazam


Actor Zachary Levi says that he has undergone a physical transformation for "Shazam!", But not because superhero movie makers have asked him to do it.

"I'm really thankful that no one in Warner Bros., DC, New Line said," In terms of physical appearance, you have to be in shape. "But they said that they wanted to make sure that I could physically do whatever they were going to do, needed me, what I was like, "Yeah, yeah, me too," Levi said in a statement. .

"But beyond that, I also wanted to seek as much as possible my self-confidence and my own kind of journey as a man and as an actor filling the skin of that character. I wanted to go and have a transformation, "he added.

The actor said that he was "in the gym practically six days a week, certainly for a year."

"Maybe even a little longer, about 14 months, eating thousands and thousands of calories a day.It's actually the most difficult part.The gym to which I am addicted and that I love it, and I can not wait to go to the gym everyday. I feel that even for mental health, it's so healthy for you, "he added.

Levi says that he is "stronger and healthier" than he has ever been in his life.

"I raise more and more people and more and more definitions in my body.Going to the gym literally releases so many healthy endorphins and makes your head and heart more enjoyable. whole was really impressive, and I continue.

"I'm probably weighing about 220 pounds now, and I had 200 pounds at first, so I took about 20 pounds. In one way or another, in the back of my mind, I always thought that I was going to get a job one day and that they were going to pay me for me. put in the best shape of my life. "

Rooted in the DC Universe with This Superhero Movie is a story of fulfillment of his desires, orchestrated in a fun and family-centered way." A teenage, orphaned teenager Billy Batson (Asher Angel), is empowered by a former wizard to transform himself into a super powerful adult with strength, invincibility, theft and other powers – while pronouncing the wizard's name: Shazam

In the case Billy Batson, shouting a word "Shazam", the 14-year-old adoptive child of the street can become the adult superhero Shazam (Levi) The Warner Bros. Pictures project will be launched Friday in India.

Si you could say a magic word in your real life, what would you like it to happen?

The actor said: "If I could say a magic word and everything could happen, I would say a magic word and we would be legitimately at peace as human beings and we will feel you love and empathize with each other around the world. "

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