Zimbabwe Votes In First Post-Mugabe Election



Zimbabweans cast their ballots in the country's first election

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mugabe's ally in the ruling ZANU-PF party, opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) in a historic vote for the southern African nation.

Harare "

" Tawanda Petru, 28, "Tawanda Petru, 28 An active man voting in Mbare, a low-income district of Harare, told AFP.

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<p clbad= Zimba bweans stand in line for the voting process

"I'm going to vote for Chamisa, for change. I am not afraid, I can tell you. "

Mugabe, 94, who was ousted by the police in November, made a surprise intervention on election eve, calling for voters ZANU-PF out of office.

Zimbabwe's generals shocked the world last year when they mocked to the world Mugabe allegedly tried to position his wife

Mnangagwa, 75, who has promised a fresh start for the country ZANU-PF elite, is the front-runner with the advantage of covert military support, a loyal state media and a ruling party that controls government resources.

But Chamisa, 40, who has

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<p clbad= If the nerd is a genuine one, not a fake one, victory is certain: Nelson Chamisa [196] 59016] "I have no doubt that it is a very important thing for us to have an emphatic voice for change, the new, and the young – I represent that," Chamisa said as he voted in Harare. 19659004] He again raised fraud allegations, saying "in the rural areas … if the ballot is a genuine one, not a fake one, victory is certain."

The election is Zimbabwe's first without Mugabe, who led ZANU- PF to power in a vote when the country became independent from Britain in 1980 and ruled for 37 years.

Speaking on his mansion on Sunday, Mugabe said he hoped the election would "thrust away the military form of government." [19659004"MugabesaidhintinghecouldvoteforMDC

A Clean Vote?

As Zimbabwe 's hectic politics reached fever pitch, Mnangagwa claimed late on Sunday that Mugabe's remarks that Chamisa was in a secret alliance with Mugabe.

Elections und Mugabe were abused and abused, and this year's campaign was dogged by accusations of the outcome.

The MDC has raised repeated allegations of a flawed electoral roll, malpractice ballot, voting intimidation, bias in The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and the United States (1965)

"After years of stasis, the events of November 2017 gave Zimbabwe the chance to dream again , "Mnangagwa said Sunday in an address on state radio."

"A recent Afrobarometer survey of 2,400 people put Mnangagwa on 40 percent and Chamisa on 37 percent, with 20 percent undecided.

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<p clbad= Long lines formed from early morning outside polling s in the capital Harare.

Mnangagwa, who is accused of involvement in election and violence under Mugabe, invited international observers – including the previously-banned European Union team – to the poll.

The EU team will The High Commissioner for Human Rights The next government must tackle the issue of agriculture and the world.

The next government must tackle mbad unemployment and an economy shattered by the Mugabe-backed seizure of white-owned farms, the collapse of agriculture, hyperinflation and

Life expectancy has only just recovered to its 1985 level of 61 years.

"Th "ZANU-PF," said the London-based EXX Africa business risk consultancy.

"However, there is no doubt about the above. "

With 5.6 million registered voters, the results of the presidential, parliamentary and local elections are due by August 4.

A run-off vote is scheduled for September 8 th if not presidential candidate wins at least 50 percent in the first round.

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