Indianapolis Colts 2019 False Deals Monday: March 18



Expert: Charlie Campbell,

Date of the model project: March 18 (link)

Selection: Dexter Lawrence, DT, Clemson

Previous selections: Christian Wilkins, DT, Clemson; Mack Wilson, LB, Alabama; D.K. Metcalf, WR, Ole Miss; Devin Bush, LB, Michigan; Dr. Mont Jones, DT, State of Ohio; Christian Wilkins, DT, Clemson

Analysis: "The Colts continue to strengthen their defensive line with a big tackle in front of Denico Autry. Lawrence recorded 37 tackles with 7.5 for a loss, 1.5 sacks and three assists in 2018. He totaled 34 tackles with 2.5 sacks in 2017. While Lawrence's numbers were down in 2017 during his first year, he helped create a lot of bags for those around him. Team sources who have worked in the future on the 2019 hopes said that Lawrence was not the same player as a sophomore and they assume he was playing with an injury that did not been revealed. As a junior, Lawrence was better than it was in 2017, but he still was not what he was like as a freshman. He also hurt himself with a positive test that led him to be suspended for the playoff matches against Notre Dame and Alabama. The 6-foot-4, 342-pounder was a terrific freshman to help Clemson win the national championship of the 2016 season. NFL sources were excited about Lawrence in the 2017 pre-season because he was impossible to ignore in 2016. Lawrence was a 100% Freshman selection across the country and was named ACC's Year Rookie. He totaled 63 tackles with 9.5 tackles for one loss, seven sacks and a knockdown for 2016. A national scout for an NFC team said he thought Lawrence was one of the two The most disruptive defensive linemen of the season – with Jonathan Allen of Alabama."


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