Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay buys Elton John’s touring piano for $ 915,000


INDIANAPOLIS – Jim Irsay continued to expand his already extensive music collection when the Colts owner tweeted on Saturday that he had purchased the piano used on tour for decades by music legend Sir Elton John.

Irsay reportedly bought the Steinway & Sons Model D grand piano for $ 915,000 at an auction conducted by Heritage Auctions on Saturday in Dallas.

“I just got added to the collection,” Irsay tweeted.

The piano, which was used on tour from 1974 to 1993, was signed by Elton, with the inscription “Enjoy this as much as I have, Elton John” on the frame.

One of Irsay’s biggest passions – aside from owning the Colts – is collecting memorabilia.

Some of the most memorable things Irsay owns are the guitars previously used by Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Prince.

Irsay also has handwritten lyrics to “With God on Our Side” by Bob Dylan, a drumhead used and signed by Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart, the piano used by Lennon to compose songs for “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band ”, a Beatles Ringo Starr drum kit, Andy Warhol signature tomato soup wrapper and the script for the movie“ Jerry Maguire ”.


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