1 Snatcher General Manager of Construction Affairs Killed, 1 plus arrested


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Polda Chief Public Relations Metro Jaya Kombes Argo Yuwono said, police shot dead a suspect general manager of Construction Construction Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Syarief Burhanudin. Another suspect was arrested

"He was arrested this morning at 02:00, there were two people," Argo said when he was contacted Friday (29/6/2018).

He stated that the arrests took place in the Jakarta area. According to Argo, one of the killed suspects was shot dead by the police because he was against when he was about to be arrested

"One was shot dead for combat officers ". ]

However Argo has not yet explained the initials of the authors and the chronology of their capture.

"Later released, yes," he said.

Argo said protesters who attacked Syarief Burhanudin happened last Sunday. According to witnesses, Mr. Burhanudin moved from his home in Cipete, South Jakarta, to Kota Tua, in western Jakarta.

On the way, Burhanudin was kidnapped. (19659007) Burhanudin was then transported to the hospital

It was also read: The general director of construction was seized during the cycling in the old city

According to Argo, his camp did not know about it. exact location of aggression

"The victim is still in the hospital so we can not question her yet," says Argo.

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